[@BlackSam3091] I finished my CS, I hope he's acceptable. [hider=Mark Moonrider] [b][u]Name:[/u][/b] [indent]Mark Hudson[/indent] [b][u]Nicknames:[/u][/b] [indent]Luke[/indent] [b][u]Alias:[/u][/b] [indent]Mark Moonrider[/indent] [b][u]Age:[/u][/b] [indent]21[/indent] [b][u]Sex:[/u][/b] [indent]male[/indent] [b][u]Appearance:[/u][/b] [indent][img]http://static3.comicvine.com/uploads/scale_super/6/64684/2080758-mark_moonrider.png[/img][/indent] [b][u]Powers/Skills:[/u][/b] [indent]Megaton Touch: Mark Moonrider possesses the ability to generate and project power bolts of electricity from his fingertips. New God Physiology: As member of the New God race, Mark has superhuman strength, durability and reflexes that is half the power level of a krypkryptonian and being a New God grants him immortality from dying of old age. Combat Specialist: Mark Moonrider is an expert in combat and has trained for many years to combat the forces of Apokolips. He is extremely skilled in both armed and unarmed combat. Mother Box: [url=http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/youngjustice/images/6/6e/Mother_Box.png/revision/latest?cb=20111113002458]Mother Boxes[/url] are sentient computers that were created by the New Gods for various purposes and have connections to the Source. Danger Sense: The Mother Box can sense danger to its host and will alert them to the trouble when it arrives. Life Sense: Mother Boxes can detect lifeforms of areas and entire worlds. Vast Knowledge: Mother Boxes have massive amounts of knowledge and have archives of information regarding countless worlds and cultures throughout the cosmos. Knowledge Projection: Mother boxes are capable of sharing and projecting it's understanding of past and present events for all to see in the form of holograms. Energy Transference: Because Mother Boxes have the Leadership talent, they can automatically transfer their energy to their users. In addition, through their affection for the Mother Box, the user can transfer energy back to her. Mark can use this ability to transfer energy to the Mother Box to have it pull off his attacks when he is restrained Source Conduit: Mother Boxes have access to the Energy of the Source for various effects, but it can only use a tiny fraction of the power without overloading and harming the Mother Box. Emotion Control: They can control the mental state of a host. Telepathy: Mother Boxes can communicate telepathically with a host or other life forms. Health Manipulation: They can manipulate the life-force of a host to heal them against sever injuries, but it won't heal fetal injuries. Boom-Tubes: Mother Boxes have the ability to open or close boom-tubes that allow him to traverse between the Fourth World and known space to countless worlds. Life Support: They also can sustain a life form in a hostile environment such as space and other harsh landscapes. The Mother Box surrounds Mark in a field of energy that can protect him from intense heat, extreme cold and toxic atmospheres.[/indent] [b][u]Backstory:[/u][/b] [indent]Many years ago the Highfather of New Genesis conducted an experiment by finding individuals from different points in earth's history and making them members of the New God races. Mark Hudson was one of those individuals. Being a child of the eighties and living in Star City, Mark grew up on all sorts of incredible cartoons and music from the decade, but his home life wasn't as great. His mom was overbearing and emotionally abusive to his father. This experience made Mark angry and he was mad at the world who made excuses for his mom's behavior. Eventually his father got up the courage to leave his mom, but then Mark's mother falsely charged him with abuse and the court system sided with her. This caused his dad to lose all custody of Mark and his mom was able to cripple him financially. Mark was furious at his mom and angry at how horrible his life got. His anger got him into trouble at school and at home as well. He couldn't focus on his schoolwork and his childhood friends were less understanding of his issues. Mark was suspended from school when he got into a violent altercation with a female student who had laughed at the idea of his dad being abused by his mom and he punched her in the face out of anger. This incident ruined his reputation and he was forced into counseling. He was lucky to avoid juvenile detention, but his mom was furious at him and she went on many long shouting rants about how much he had failed her as a son. Mark was on the edge of oblivion and after several years of misery, suicidal thoughts began to enter his head. After he left high school and his mom's home to go to college, Mark didn't find his situation all that more improved. In college his issues seemed to follow him and telling others about his problems made him a bit of a joke to the college campus and he was ridiculed for his story. At the age of 21, Mark felt that he had reached his limit and decided that the world was too awful to live in. He was going to commit suicide and end his suffering. As he was in the process of killing himself, the Highfather Izaya intervened and saved his life. The Highfather explained to Mark about his sudden appearance and offered him a place among the New Gods of New Genesis. Mark had a choice, either to ascend above his awful life or succumb to the darkness within him and end his own life. Despite his sadness, Mark chose life over death and accepted Izaya's offer. With the incredible powers of the Highfather, he was changed from being a human and into a New God. Izaya then welcomed him like he was his child and let him join the other young New Gods of the paradise-like world. Once Mark was given his Mother Box, he felt the device's soothing voice calm his emotions and the other New Gods understood his past and his pain unlike the people of earth. With his ascension into his status as a New God, Mark was given incredible powers and with the help of his Mother Box he was trained in many teachings of combat and culture throughout the cosmos. Eventually he joined the team known as The Forever People, a group made up of young individuals who had been taken from different points in earth's history and given the rank of godhood by Izaya. As a team they traversed the known cosmos battling all sorts of strange and evil entities. A couple of their adventures took them back to earth and Mark still remembered his old life as a human, which wasn't pleasant to him. Despite the bad memories, Mark Hudson had found people he could feel happy with and his new identity of Mark Moonrider was a new beginning for him.[/indent] [b][u]Motivation for joining the League?:[/u][/b] [indent]After Superman vanished, the Highfather believed that Darkseid and the forces of Apokolips could pose a threat to earth and the possible discovery of the Anti Life Equation. He decided that Mark would be Earth's guardian and join forces with the Justice League in defending it from otherworldly threats. Mark was sent to earth alone and the Highfather said that it was a task that he had to do on his own and that was all that Izaya would tell him.[/indent] [b][u]What do you bring to the League?:[/u][/b] [indent]Mark brings New God technology and vast knowledge of the Fourth World and the cosmos. He is also an experienced fighter and as a New God with a human past, he understands human emotion and human failings.[/indent] [b][u]Notes[/u][/b] [indent]This is his theme song [youtube]https://www.youtube. /watch?v=e6wk4PAIdGI[/youtube][/indent][/hider]