[center][img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/overwatch/images/5/5f/Frontslider_1.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/670?cb=20160502005828[/img] [h3][color=FF8C00]Heroism[/color]. Sacrifice. [color=FF8C00]Nobility[/color][/h3][/center] Thirty years ago these virtues meant more than placating to lynch-mobs and omniphobic rhetoric. It meant more than complacency in a world that was far from equal for all of its populace- be they human or not. Thirty years ago these three pillars of justice were associated with Overwatch. An elite international task-force that sought to restore order, peace, and justice to a world riddled with conflict and suffering. In the end it seemed that Overwatch wasn't immune to the same problems that befell the rest of the world. The public turned away from Overwatch, and in its absence strife has become the norm for omnics and humans alike. The year is 2076, and today marks a new beginning for Overwatch. Be warned that this journey will not be an easy one. The world has grown colder than before, and many are rightfully wary of what our organization has stood for. We will learn from the mistakes of thirty years ago, and we will work to rebuild the pillars that once upheld Overwatch. You are now an agent of Overwatch, more specifically our re-instated Blackwatch Unit. The world is not yet ready to know that more agents stand prepared to answer the call. You, we, will work to ensure the safety of all people- no matter their identity- throughout the world. We are the heroes of Overwatch. While we may give you our hearts and our bodies, our nobility and pursuit of justice will never be sacrificed. [u] [/u] Welcome to the interest check for a new Overwatch RP. The Blizzard made first person shooter has taken the gaming world by storm, and now that it's been out for some time I wanted to see if there'd be any interest in starting up an RP that took place in the world. Story wise, this RP will take place after the "Recall" short- which means that Overwatch agents from around the world are being called back in. I don't want to give too much of the plot away just yet, but players would be able to either RP as canon characters and original characters (both evil and good). Feel free to let me know if you have any questions, and I hope to see some interest in this!