Hey [@Weird Tales], doing pretty good. Just stretching the creative muscles. Likewise good to "see" you [@Blacksam3091]. And here are some responses to those there questions. Forgive me for being such an eejit. 1) I imagined him catching his eye on something afloat before taking to the water to investigate, in the [s]Illadvised®[/s] illadvised way that adventurous unmonitored children get into trouble. 2) What I imagine is him swimming into the waste of a failed experiment. It really had little to do with him and more to do with the fact he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. As for who did it, I was imagining either a geneticist in the vein of the Golden Age Monster Men, Dr Sivana, or perhaps a non malevolent, though irresponsible, everyman OC. I can fill it out and have it be more significant to his character arc, if you'd prefer. 3) The real question is "Why are you blind to the fact that Canada is the root of all evil?" Seriously though, it was just me being silly. 4) Good Question. He is a superhero of some experience, thus he would likely have the connections to have something like that made for him. I'll just quote you on that concept.