Usually you text. Don't expect you to spontaneously pop on, you know ;3 I get what you mean. Even in things like Dragon Ball Z, death is no consequence since there is always a tool to bring people back, so you care a lot less when people expire. Botan's physical form could be destroyed, but as for what she is, I think she'd just revert to the spirit she had been before. Her physical form was just for investigation purposes, and I doubt Koenma gave it to her so she could go on dates and fall in love, just do what was expected of her. This may open her up to feeling more like a tool than a person, even if she knows that Koenma sees her as more than just the help. As for Yoko, I think he is open to death, especially since he is within Shuichi now. I don't think he'll die with Shuichi, they may just end up as two people. Botan's death should still be of concern, since no mortal mind should approach the idea of death lightly because "I'll just be a spirit again." I say that Botan should feel more like a human than a reaper while this investigation is underway. It's a touchy subject. I think without her soul being threatened, only her physical form would pass, while who Botan is would be picked up by another reaper. Still, should be scary to her that someone can make her take her own life like that without her even being wholly aware, you know? I believe she'd still be scared of that, but that's just me.