Penelope watched him as he lowered his gaze. She smiled at him as he thanked her. The words made her happy and in that short time, it became clear to her. She couldn't think of him as an enemy or a criminal anymore. If she did, it'd be forced. However, he wasn't just an ally and she was being to come to terms to that as well. He was a friend. And she realized part of that had nothing to do with trust. She trusted William and Abraxas plenty but they were only comrades. Penelope hated to admit but now she wasn't as guarded, both physically and emotionally. She knew she wasn't as stern or as strict as she had been when they had first began their journey. The knight had relaxed a great deal around him and her true colors were becoming much easier to read. It was a little annoying but she welcomed the break from all the high walls and emotionless faces. "Well, you sure don't make it easy, that's for sure." She mused. Penelope smirked and suddenly leaned forward to ruffle his hair in a playful manner. "Come on. We better get back before William starts wondering what's taking us." She told him before turning and beginning to walk once more. Since she knew his leg was ok, she didn't bother offering her help. "I'm sure you must be dying to rub this whole thing in his face after all." She commented, glancing over at Crow. Of course she was referring to the incident with the nobles. William's pride was sure to take a hard blow after having been saved by a thief. While he was her comrade, Penelope couldn't help but look forward to how he would react. Perhaps the incident would even make holding up her end of the deal just a little easier.