Oh wow! You're right, I hadn't even thought of the mental eval. But that's a good point. I'd hope after a few sessions, she'd be feeling like her old cheery self again but it would give her cause to stop and think a bit more about it. Though I'd see her wanting to confide in Kurama more than a human who may not fully be able to grasp some of her flimsy stories and such. XD Oh that dialogue better make it into the future post. We still need to plan for the lackey, maybe a light CS for him? A name and appearance at least IMO. [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/3b/4d/d0/3b4dd09169a220b12672c6251706f0ef.jpg]This[/url] may work? But if not, we can keep looking. I figured an ordinary appearance as someone who blends in, would be the best choice. Easy to forget in a crowd. I think Shiori would love to meet Shuichi's friends. Hiei? Ehhh, we'll see how that goes but I don't see Hiei having much regard for his human mother who Hiei may just regard as a liability or hindrance for Yoko. But I could see them all sitting around playing cards, Hiei somehow getting competitive about it without realizing it. Yoko can be off takin' care of business. And of course Botan would duck out to go chase after her beloved hunk. Yeah it could come off as weird, which is why I wasn't sure [i]how[/i] to bring up either. ^^; But hey, make sure she can put a towel over her wet clothes and get escorted off with Kurama and I'm sure it will be more romantic/sweet than awkward and somewhat pervy. -crosses fingers- And okay! How's this post goin' though? -is excited- :3