Kurama will GO WITH HER EVERY TIME to make her comfortable! It will just be so the school officials and Shiori feel better. Kurama's a good guy and a great person to confide in, but he's no professional. Still, if being around him helps her, they'll definitely encourage him to stay with her as much as possible. Oh don't worry, that dialogue will make it xD I've had an itch to use Kuwabara, Yusuke, and/or Hiei anyway, just no opportunities at this time. Kuwabara's definitely shipping them, and when the fight against Goshikuro happens, Kuwabara will bestow the headband of love/justice to Kurama before he goes off to save his girlfriend. Kuwabara is the best friend anyone could have xD I can think of something for him later in terms of name and past/powers, but I'm trying to focus on the post first~ Hiei cares for Yukina in the same way Kurama cares for Shiori, so Hiei can't exactly make the argument about someone holding him back ;3 Hiei's gonna mind himself in her presence though. Kurama doesn't fuck around when someone disrespects his mother. I'm down for a competitive game of cards, Kurama slips out, Botan goes out to join him, they talk and... possibly other things. They'll get their privacy. Kurama's not the type to blush about it when her life was close to ending, but if Botan ever brings up how she looked when he pulled her out of that pool I think the last thing that comes to mind is the outline of her body through her wet clothes. His priorities aren't on her body, something she can appreciate immensely, which means that when the body appreciation DOES come it makes his moves of affection all the sweeter. It's coming right along, but you know me... I'm being careful >.>