Well even out of the office, she'll want to talk to Kurama. She'll want to say things that would blow her cover or make her sound nuts so Kurama would be solace for her, when she doesn't want to tip toe too much around speaking her mind. But having Kurama accompany her would be a welcomed gesture. :3 As a note, my brain is already turning into sleepy mushy but I can probably swing another 30 mins. But I will need to be up early for blood work tomorrow. I don't see Botan bringing up her appearance or state by the pool, I was thinking there might be creepy guys around looking but then again, they'd probably quickly remember she almost drowned and I think any sex appeal would hopefully not apply to use a tense situation. ^^; I think in at moment, she'd be embarrassed, pretty shaken, upset etc so no focus on her body would be pretty damn appreciated too haha. She's too vulnerable ~ Everyone look away ~ ! I'm sure it'll be good. It'll give me some awesome YYH dreams hopefully cause lately it's been tons of DAI dreams, not that they've been bad...