[hr][hr][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Samantha%20Youngblood&name=Garton.ttf&size=70&style_color=FF4000[/img] [img]http://31.media.tumblr.com/eed5b0d3c6eee0d84a9b0fd85ff3673b/tumblr_mr5kz3wi3N1scjxe9o2_250.gif[/img] [img]http://31.media.tumblr.com/692d6dbd2e18d0cc74dcfcbc19792b5d/tumblr_mzeqrgLWx01ri824oo2_250.gif[/img] [img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Avalon%20Middleton&name=Sweetly%20Broken.ttf&size=75&style_color=3EE077[/img][hr][hr][b][u]Location;[/u][/b] The Roof → Back Inside Mayweather [b][u]Interacting With;[/u][/b] Each Other → Will via text -[@smarty0114] [b][u]Mood;[/u][/b] Samantha: Vengeful → Worried → Vengeful Avalon: Nervous → Thoughtful → Vengeful[/center][hr][indent][indent]Samantha's phone chimed as she smiled and noticed that it was Avalon texting her back, letting her know that she was on her way. With a slight smirk, a soft breeze blew through her as she heard the small tone of Avalon's voice and turned heel to face her now. Samantha walked closer to Avalon and hugged her as she released the hug though her hands resting upon Ava's shoulders. [color=ff4000][b]"How are you doing today, my dear best friend?"[/b][/color] She asked while folding her arms over her chest now. [color=ff4000][b]"Hope you slept well."[/b][/color] If one knew Samantha as well as Avalon, she could tell that there was slightly different Samantha standing before her and it wasn't really a pretty sight. Samantha looked at Avalon again. [color=ff4000][b]"So, last night was a bit of a wake up call for me, I guess you can say and now, my eyes are opened wide. It's like I now have this new formed power unleashing itself inside me, Avalon and I can honestly say..."[/b][/color] She took a breath then smirked. [color=ff4000][b]"I love it."[/b][/color] She then turned her back towards Avalon while walking near the edge of the railing, resting her hands upon the steel bar now. [color=ff4000][b]"Avalon, I want to take Gia down. I want her to hurt just like she hurt me last night. I want to start a war with this bitch and destroy her by any means necessary."[/b][/color] She spoke with a little evilness pouring from her lips. But Samantha was determined to rid Mayweather of that villainess, Delphina heifer once and for all. She knew that she'd be doing everyone a favor if she did so. But she had to wait to see if Mitch was going to side with her or she'd just have to take him down in the process, as well. Avalon had been worried about her friend, but evidently, she was doing fine. Sure, she seemed a bit off, and perhaps just a bit too okay, but who was Avalon to judge how she handled her stress. And if Sammie wanted to take down Gia, she'd be standing right there beside her. [color=springgreen][b]"If you want to take down Gia, I'll be there, every step of the way. One of her Delphinas left me with a gift last night, one that was not appreciated. To make a long story short, I have Will investigating right now,"[/b][/color] she said, crossing her arms and smirking. She knew that this conversation would be an important one, one that decided the events of this year. She was going to be one of the people to start a war, one that could tear them all down. To say she was excited would be a bit of an understatement. But, she knew just as well as anyone, Gia didn't work alone. If they wanted to get to her, they'd have to hit her minions first. [color=springgreen][b]"We won't be able to take her down immediately you know? If you want her to hurt, we'll have to go for her little pets. Lancaster and Farweight, and that one girl who came in with the Ice Queen last night. All of them will need to go down before we can hit Gia,"[/b][/color] she said, her brain already working at ways that she could go after the Delphinas. A simple smirk curved among the corners of her lips as she heard Avalon spoke. It was time this campus gotten shook up a little bit and these two seemed to be the ones to do it. As Avalon spoke, Samantha turned towards her, nodding at every single word. [color=ff4000][b]"True. I have the list of her so called bodyguards or whatever. Plus, I have Mitch shaking things up for me as well."[/b][/color] She let out a simple giggle then sighed while looking at Avalon now. [color=ff4000][b]"Fetch me, Will. I have a feeling that he can help me out here, as well."[/b][/color] Samantha said while turning her back towards Avalon now, still smirking as she was so ready to take down the Delphina Queen. There's only one Queen on campus and Gianna was about to find out exactly who that is. Avalon nodded, and smiled. This wasn't the Samantha she'd been expecting. But she had to admit, this one was a hell of a lot of fun. [color=springgreen][b]"I'll let him know to come meet us here once he's done hunting down my wannabe prankster from last night,"[/b][/color] she said, grinning. She whipped out her phone and shot off a text to Will. [center][b]To: [color=deepskyblue]Brain Boy[/color] [color=springgreen]Sam and I wanna talk to you once you're done hunting down the Skunker. Don't worry, nothing bad[/color][/b][/center] Avalon looked up at her friend. [color=springgreen][b]"Alright. I let Will know to meet us here. So, while were waiting for our favorite telekinetic, how do we plan to go about this? It might not hurt to bring in some help. Mitch will be good, as much as I despise him, and so will Will, but the four of us can't do it on our own, at least not easily. In fact, after last night...well let's just say I think it's best that we don't take chances,"[/b][/color] Avalon said. She was nervous about all of this, though she wouldn't admit it, not even to herself. She talked big, about wanting to take the Delphina's down, because she thought that's what her dad would have wanted. He'd fought against evil, why shouldn't she? Maybe she wasn't going to be fighting supervillains, but wannabe villains was the next best thing. But all her talking and dreaming couldn't prepare her for the fear she felt right now, as she was preparing to go to war with some of the biggest baddies on campus. But Sam had called the group to arms. She couldn't let fear get in the way of that. Sam nodded at Avalon when she stated that she was going to text Will. She started to pace from side to side while thinking of things to do to the list of people close to Gianna. A sly smirk curved among the corner of her lips again as she looked at Avalon with a smile. [color=ff4000][b]"Good."[/b][/color] She remarked with a nod towards Avalon when she mentioned Will. Hearing her next words kind of went through one ear and out the other because she really haven't thought that far. After all, she is a hero and not a villain. Samantha turned to face Avalon now, chuckling nervously. [color=ff4000][b]"Uhm, yeah, funny story is..."[/b][/color] She gulped while raising her thumb up to her teeth, biting on the nail then removed it from her mouth while speaking. [color=ff4000][b]"Alright, fine. I haven't thought that far ahead.[/b][/color] She stated honestly while knowing she was going to hear from Avalon but she hoped that Will would get there soon enough. She walked closer towards her best friend while holding onto her arms with her hands, smiling. [color=ff4000][b]"We're going to get them, Ava. Most importantly, we're going to destroy Gia."[/b][/color] She said while letting go of her and turned heel to walk back towards the railing. [color=ff4000][b]"Which of Gia's minions should we start with first?"[/b][/color] She inquired while speaking loud enough for Avalon to hear her since her back was still towards her. Avalon smirked at Sam's lack of planning, but didn't make much of it. They'd have plenty of time for that. As for her question about which of Gia's minions to go for first, that was a tricky one. Gia was smart, and not to mention extremely charming. Taking down her friends would be difficult. Brenna and Lucas were almost sure to stay by her side no matter what, so taking them down would most likely have to look as if it came from Gia. But the girl from the party, the one who'd defended Gia but run off later, she'd be easy. Avalon looked up at Sam, her eyes dancing with a light that might scare anyone else. [color=springgreen][b]"That girl from last night. The little blonde one. She didn't seem so impressed with Gia's antics. Granted, I was a tad disoriented, but I think I still read her right. She'd be the easiest to bring over to our side,"[/b][/color] the redhead said, her voice holding a certain amount of mischief. As nervous as Avalon was about this whole thing, the more she discussed it, the more she felt like she was in her element. Scheming and planning was what she did, what she was born to do. Grandma Levi hadn't raised a girl who couldn't defend herself, and as far as Avalon saw it, she was defending herself here. And she'd be damned if she didn't do it well. Samantha looked at Avalon and nodded her head as she rose her index finger up to tap against her lip now. [color=ff4000][b]"You're right. She'd be the easiest to manipulate. So young and naive."[/b][/color] Sam added to Avalon's suggestion as she nodded her head again. [color=ff4000][b]"Girl. I am so glad I got you on my side."[/b][/color] She said while wondering where Will was. [color=ff4000][b]"Curious. Which one of those little pricks pranked you?"[/b][/color] She asked with a raised brow of curiosity. Her eyes wavered over Avalon as she hoped to herself that Will was all right and handling things well. If Will got injured, she don't know what she'll do. Might burn down the school but then again, that already happened not too far down the road to the Delphina fuckers. Samantha was so annoyed with them at this point and they were still just fresh within the school year. They haven't even went on vacation yet and she was already fed up and ready to kill a bitch. She always hated showing this side of her but she's kept it in for too long now and Gia must get what's coming to her because revenge is a dish best served cold. Avalon shook her head as Sam inquired about the little stunt one of the Delphina's pulled last night. Well, she thought it was a Delphina. She sighed and launched into the story. [color=springgreen][b]"Well, the prank was put in motion by someone claiming to be Peter, you know that sleazy little junior? He handed me a package with a skunk in it, and long story short, I got skunked. Which, I can assure you was, disgusting. Any ways, the guy looked like Peter, and was even dressed like him, but I guess I really didn't even see his face. But I got to thinking, why would Peter do that? It didn't make sense. So Will went to talk to him, but I haven't heard about any leads. But it must've been a Delphina."[/b][/color] Avalon's certainty that it was a Delphina who'd played that prank on her could've been viewed as a type of prejudice, and it really did seem like one. If she was being honest, Ava might even admit that it was a bit, but it was also quite a lot of common sense. The Delphina's had been out for them since their first day on this campus, and she was the second in command of the Mayweathers. Why wouldn't they come after her? At least that was how she saw it. But, she'd decided well into her second shower the evening before, that no matter who it was, they were going to pay. Sam had Gia to go after, and Avalon had the Skunker. Both of them were going to wish they'd never stepped foot on this campus. Samantha listened to Avalon then when she was done, she started pacing again then snapped her fingers. Her eyes shot a glance towards her best friend. [color=ff4000][b]"Maybe one of the Delphina's disguised themselves as Peter? Used mind control? Because yeah, that ironically doesn't sound like Peter."[/b][/color] Even though it was her friend's battle, she'd have to fight that one on her own as she had her own battle to fight. The story of Avalon's prank went to the back of her mind and the thought of tearing Gia apart was back at the front. [color=ff4000][b]"Well, who would've thought about messing with two baddest bitches at Mayweather? All I know is, they messed with the wrong ones."[/b][/color] Samantha said while going over to stand beside her best friend now, letting out a sigh while linking her arm with hers. [color=ff4000][b]"Before people get worried about us, let's go and show our faces, yes?"[/b][/color] Without giving Avalon a moment to answer, she was already dragging her back inside of the building. [color=ff4000][b]"I wonder what my minion, Mitch is doing as he better not be slacking off on his duties."[/b][/color] She muttered only loud enough for Avalon to hear as she followed those words with a chuckle. Samantha was good at hiding her anger publically as she flashed that winning smile around for anyone that past her and Avalon. Boy, little did everybody know, Mayweather was about to be shook the fuck up.[/indent][/indent]