The crow's nest was Carlos favorite place during a fight, he could take his time, not have to worry about melee combat and make every shot count. These enemy pirates were numerous and tough, so he only focused on what looked like squad leaders or alpha pirates. The headshots were coming easy, satisfying crack and splatter sounds were coming from the impact of the Long Game Sniper Rifle. In 5 minutes, 12 pirate heads busted open like raw watermelons. Carlos didn't particularly enjoy violence, but he had so much fun hitting targets he found himself smiling with every shot. But this was no duck hunt, or at least, these ducks had guns too. [b]BRAPEPP, PSSSKT[/b] Carlos shot back behaind the cover of the iron laced crows nest, not entirley bullet proof, but it was so far out of a pistol's range it didn't need to be, plus these Vivian's Mercy shooters were some of the worst marksmen he'd ever seen. No timing, no posture, just trigger happy thugs that couldn't hit a white whale on a black background. They seemed to be better in close range though, Carlos did his best to ignore the screams of the nameless crew members as they were being gutted buy the enemy in front of him. As he loaded his Long Game rifle he noticed some of the main crew in the mix. [b]Poole and Fletcher[/b] were kicking ass all over the place, between the dead man's shooting and the captain's grace with the blade, Carlos already knew they needed no assistance, he turned his head to focus on his old schoolmate [b]Silver Kingsly[/b] in the sylph fighter, sweeping up some of the awful gunners on the Vivian's Mercy ship. Again, someone who needs no real help from Carlos. But then Carlos spots it, the new-ish member [b]Petros[/b] who was doing a more than fine job of busting artillery with his exploding arrows but something was odd. Any true marksman such as Carlos could see that...[u]He wasn't shooting any pirates[/u]. A bullet wizzed past his face as he stood there in amazement and mild horror at this fact. Why a pirate of the Ocean horizon wouldnt kill attackers was a mystery that Carlos had no good answer for. Carlos stopped himself from making the stereotype that a homosexual pirate would be less willing to fight. Carlos himself has occasionally enjoyed the company of laying with a man, and he had no qualms about popping heads open with high caliber rounds. Maybe there is something else going on here...... [b]BIZZZOOOOOOM[/b] A bullet ricocheted off the crows nest, and Carlos returned to sniping hastily, realizing that there was now a fairly large group of pirates firing on his position since leaving himself exposed. [i]Requesting cover from ground units, keep them away from the nest while I climb out of here and man the cannons, where the hell is [b]The Black Baron?[/b][/i]