The firm grip that was holding Ciara loosened up until Botis let go of her arm. With that hand he rubbed his forehead as he shook his head. "I don't know exactly what you were told. But I went to the Underworld so you could restore mana. And when you had regained your health you could summon me again, like always. I know you can't summon me all by yourself." he said and raised an eyebrow. "I really care for you mistress. And the things I do are only with good intentions towards you, just like the thing I'm going to say next." he looked her in her eyes "Go back to the surface, out of the Underworld. It was stupid for you to come here, not everyone is as chill and cool as I am. Go back, then call me. I'll come immediately." Like always Ciara was still a young witch who still had lots to learn. He himself was one of the many keys of Solomon, meaning there were lots and lots more of demons roaming in the Underworld, not all with the best intentions. Someone like Barbatos wouldn't immediately hurt her, but what if someone like Bael were to stroll by? Some just wouldn't let a human pass in the Underworld. "Promise me you'll go back?"