[hr][hr][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/xYKmI37.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/ZHwgmCu.png[/img] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjgwLjliZjBmZC5RbkpsYm01aC4x/written-on-his-hands.regular.png[/img][hr][hr] [img]http://i.imgur.com/a8UVAFf.gif[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/HmN8Kbt.gif[/img] [b][u]Location;[/u][/b] Brenna's Dorm [b][u]Interacting With;[/u][/b] Eachother [@Legion02] [color=powderblue][b][u]Mood;[/u][/b][/color] Curious → Surprised → Nostalgic → Regretful -> Conflicted [color=662d91][b][u]Mood;[/u][/b][/color] Nervous → Even more nervous → Concerned → Curious → Feeling strange & understand → Feeling even stranger[/center][hr] The text from Lucas had confused Brenna. Him just saying that they needed to talk? It seemed a little more serious than their usual conversations. Never the less, she told him to come over to her dorm. It was only her there after all, seeing as how Carmen had gone MIA, and so she figured they'd have a decent amount of privacy there. And so she waited, dressed in tight black jeans and a loose fitting white shirt that was just the right amount of see through to give her the advantage here. Her looks were her weapon and even with her allies, they were a weapon she refused to give up. Lucas couldn’t stop fiddling with his phone in his right hand. He was nervous, for some reason. Maybe it was because of the answers he might get. The first parts of a big key. Or maybe because he would discover something from Brenna’s side. Despite their friendship, he did not know much about the girl. Or maybe it was because the questions were the ones he wasn’t supposed to ask. And she would be mad at him for asking. A thousand things went through his still somewhat misty brain as he approached the dorm room. He luckily took the precaution to wash and get dressed. Choosing a long sleeved t-shirt to hide the bandages on his knuckles. With any luck, he could keep them hidden. Or at least make them appear like it was nothing. He just hoped his wounds wouldn’t bleed again. Taking a deep breath he knocked on the door of Brenna’s dorm, and waited for her to open up. Brenna heard the knock, and walked over, running a hand through her hair to make it just a little bit messy, and opened the door, grinning. [color=powderblue][b]"Come on in Farweight,"[/b][/color] she said, stepping aside so he could walk in. She took a seat in her desk chair, grinning at her friend, head cocked to the side. [color=powderblue][b]"So, to what do I owe this pleasure?"[/b][/color] she asked, genuine curiosity in her voice. He was very nervous now. Whenever he saw Brenna he felt as if he was struck. Now, like always, he took a moment to just look at her. The fact that she dressed the way she did, did not help Lucas. After the long second of gazing, he walked. Shaking himself. [color=662d91][i]I'm here not for her! I'm here for her story![/i][/color] He thought to himself. Trying to focus on the questions he formed just moments ago before she opened the door. He turned around, taking a deep breath. [color=662d91]"You never told me you and Eliana were friends back in the day."[/color] he tried to sound monotone and detached. Her stomach flooded with butterflies as Lucas spoke. So that was why he'd come here. Somehow, he'd found out about her and Ellie. [i][b][color=powderblue]How the hell could he have known?[/color][/b][/i] she thought, her eyes going glassy as she thought back to her past friendship with the young Mayweather. She snapped back to reality and looked back at Lucas. [color=powderblue][b]"So, that's why you wanted to talk? How'd you find that out Luke?"[/b][/color] she asked, genuinely concerned. If someone else knew about her affiliation with Dream Catcher, who knew what would happen. The lines had been drawn at the party, that much was for certain, and she couldn't seem like she was straddling it. If there was someone else out there with this info, someone she couldn't trust, she'd have to put them down. [color=662d91]"Does that really matter?"[/color] There was genuine concern in his voice. Becuase she too sounded genuinely concerned. Which was odd to say the least. Very little ever touched the Ice Queen. Was her relation to Eliana that dangerous to her? For a moment he was torn. He didn't want to reveal he had the diary. Then again, he had shown Gia the diary already. Though she refused to read it. He took a deep breath, trying to stop all the raging thoughts in his head. Silencing all the arguments. He would tell her. [color=662d91]"I can't reveal much. When I raided her room I found her diary."[/color] he kept it at that. [color=662d91]"And that's not why I'm here. I'm here because...I need your help. I need to know everything about that bitch."[/color] there was a certain acid in his voice when he said bitch. He hated her, that was for sure. He hated her even more since the party. If she had just steered clear from him, he could have enjoyed it a little longer. Maybe he would have gotten drunk enough to just fall asleep on the ground, rolling himself in a blanket. Instead, his rage had pulled him from his alcohol induced misty state. The only refuge from it and she had hidden away: his boxing ball. A gift from his mother for his 16th birthday. The perfect way to let off steam. So instead of letting off steam on the one thing designed to take his punches, he had to go outside. In the forest. He still wasn't sure how he got to the infirmary. But that was where he woke up the following morning. Brenna bit her lip nervously. She could hear the venom in his voice as he spoke about her former friend. She stood and paced around the room for a moment, before finally turning to Lucas. [color=powderblue][b]"Take a seat,"[/b][/color] she said, gesturing to the now empty desk chair. Once he was seated, she took a deep breath and began to speak once more. [color=powderblue][b]"I met Ellie in the seventh grade, after a boy had practically assaulted her. It was bad. She knocked the kid out with her powers. That's when I came along, cleaned her up and told her not to take anyone's shit anymore. From that point on, we were inseperable,"[/b][/color] the dark haired girl explained. She took another breath and continued. [color=powderblue][b]"And then, Donny Ferguson came along. That boy was sex incarnate, let me tell you. He was star quarterback, he knew classic poetry, and he was the smoothest boy that's ever come my way. And me and Ellie both wanted him. But, as you very well know, I don't share well, and I made sure I got him. Ellie's got a surprisingly dirty mind, and I made sure our entire high school knew. Of course, Donny turned out to be a complete prick, an anti-powered son of a bitch. I put him in his place though. I'd like to say Ellie owes me one for taking that bullet. But if you have her diaries, you probably know all that."[/b][/color] Brenna sighed, and shook her head, recalling everything she knew about the Mayweather that she once might've called her sister. [color=powderblue][b]"Here's what you need to know. She's dangerous. Anything she's done to you, she was holding back, I'm sure of it. That kid from middle school, the one that Ellie knocked out, was in the hospital for a week, and that was just when she wasn't trying. After our spat in high school, she confronted me, and I swear to God, I thought she was going to kill me. Honestly Luke, I'd say you should stay away from her. No grudge is worth enduring the things she can do,"[/b][/color] Brenna said, the air around her growing colder. [color=662d91][i]It's not just a grudge anymore[/i][/color] He wanted to say it. He wanted to say it so bad. But he didn't want to trouble the girl. The trouble wasn't worthy of Brenna. He did swallow when she mentioned that he should know. After the third entry he couldn't continue. He wasn't really sure why, only that he couldn't keep on reading. Not on that day. He also knew just exactly how dangerous Eliana was. After the talk with Gianna he knew that she could do far worse. But after the night of the party he knew that she wasn't holding back for his sake. He was sure he had pushed her hard, and he would at least have seen a glimmer of Night Terror. Though now that he thought of it, he knew that he probably was very ill prepared for it. But there were still things left unanswered. [color=662d91]"If 'Ellie' owes you one, then why aren't the two of you friends again?"[/color] he asked puzzled. Brenna shook her head. [color=powderblue][b]"I never told her about Donny. I didn't see the point. I'd taken a torch to our friendship, and by then it was too late. I turned her into a pariah. I mean, I fucking spread her sexual fantasies around the school like they were required reading. There's not much you can do to come back from that. Even so, by then, I was too cool to be seen with her,"[/b][/color] she said, her face a mix of emotions. To say she regretted what she did, well that would be very un-Brenna. She couldn't admit that she felt bad about her actions all those years ago. But deep down she knew that what she had done was one of the worst things she'd do for a long time. Forcing her feelings of regret back down, she looked Lucas straight in the eyes. [color=powderblue][b]"But if you want to go after Lovelace, then I can't really stop you. It won't be easy, and you better be ready for retaliation, but it can be done. Hell, I proved that. Right now, you have her diary, meaning you have the advantage. Ellie's changed since I knew her, so read it, study it. Find where to strike the hardest, and maybe, just maybe, you can beat her. If you need help, well, you have my number,"[/b][/color] Brenna said, finishing with a wink. Lucas was a force of nature. Almost nothing could stop him. Try to hold him and he'll break lose. Tell him not to do something and he'll damn sure do it. You can't contain Lucas, not once he set his mind to the task. Telling him to stop is mostly as ineffective as blowing at a hurricane. [color=662d91][i]I'd stop if you asked me to.[/i][/color] The thought flashed quickly through his head. But it was clear as daylight. Did he care so much about what she thought of him? Other thoughts occupied his mind. Understanding towards Brenna. Once you start crawling up in social status, there is no turning back. Slip once and you'll fall deeper than you started. When this Donny showed his true nature, it was probably already too late for the Ice Queen. He smiled at her with is signature smirk. One very confident corner going up just a little, showing off just how sure he was of himself. He sat up from the chair and walked up close to Brenna, towering over her but trying not to look menacing. [color=662d91]"You know I can handle myself."[/color] his hand did not move of his conscious self. It rubbed Brenna's cheek for a moment. But when he realized, after a split second, what he was doing, he pulled it back. But without dropping the smile. [color=662d91]"Well, I'll be going then. Don't cause too much trouble when I'm out, will ya?"[/color] he jokingly said, [color=662d91]"But seriously, thanks."[/color] he quickly followed up, more serious, before he closed the door behind him.