[b]Jennifer[/b] "Faking it isn't going to get us anywhere, Vin," Jennifer said, dismissive of his idea at first, but then actually considering it. "Well, I suppose it [i]could[/i] work, but we need to plan every single little detail. I could pretend to faint, faking some medical condition that requires immediate attention, but then, where does that leave you? Obviously we both can't be experiencing health issues at the same time...WAIT! I got it." Jennifer rushed to the wall diving their cells, her sudden idea giving her some hope. "You'll call one of the guards to ask them permission to use the restroom. I'm pretty sure they stand by the door to keep watch. Anyway, while you're gone, I'll pretend to have a seizure or something, making it as legitimate as I can. When you two come back, he'll be caught off guard by the situation and that's when you attack him from behind. You only get one shot at this, so make sure you don't screw it up. You'll hide his body somewhere and you quickly take his clothes and equipment. All you have to do then is unlock my door and get me out. Don't look, but there's a camera facing this row of cells. In order for us to buy as much time as possible, you have to attack the guard out of frame. We make our exit by pretending you're escorting me to another block or something, then when we're outside we'll make a run for it. What do you say?" [@Rawk]