[hr][hr][center][h1][color=868324]Jackson Hunt[/color][/h1][hr][hr] [img]http://i.imgur.com/hsQiIaa.jpg [/img][hr] [b][u]Location:[/u][/b] Dorm Room -> [b][u]Interacting With:[/u][/b] Gianna in person and via text[@lovely complex] Lucas [@Legion02] [b][u]Mood:[/u][/b] Embarrassed -> Pleasantly Surprised -> Satisfied -> Confused -> Utterly in Shock -> Mischievous -> Frustrated Sitting on the floor of his dorm room, Jackson couldn't help but feel almost ashamed of his behavior. [i][color=868324]Seriously, what gave you the idea to ask her out now? Talk about romantic...[/color][/i] He knew that Gianna was definitely not a traditional sort of person, but he felt like even she deserved better than a half-assed attempt at romance from some hungover kid who couldn't even remember their night together. Still, as much as he wished that he could sometimes, Jackson's powers couldn't let him travel back in time, so instead, his words hung in the air like a patch of fog or a foul odor. It was certainly a bit of a shock to him when she gave her answer, especially when she made it clear that the choice was in his hands. [i][color=868324]Does she really think that I'd turn down an offer like that?[/color][/i] Eventually, he managed to stammer, "[b][color=868324]Umm... Yeah, that sounds good. See you later, I guess.[/color][/b]" As she walked out of the room, he had to fight the urge to take out his phone and text her with a time and place to meet. Despite her acceptance, Jackson knew that if he looked desperate, then Gianna would reel him in like a fish on a pole. Still, he allowed himself to enjoy the small victory that came from a small party with more twists than a Twizzler. He thought back on all of the adventures of the night: the totally-not-creepy adventures of following ([i][color=868324]not stalking![/color][/i]) Gianna and Lucas to the party, Lucas helping to convince him to go after her, the battle between the two queens of the school, his invitation to Gianna... and he still couldn't remember the rest. He'd have to ask about it later. And yet, hangover and forgotten night in tow, Jackson crawled back onto his bed and smiled. He had done it. As if on cue, Jackson watched Lucas enter the dorm with a look of shock. It definitely seemed like he hadn't expected the two to get into bed together after only one night. [i][color=868324]To be honest, I could probably say the same thing.[/color][/i] He couldn't help but laugh when he heard his roommate's request. He replied, "[b][color=868324]Sure thing man. After all, I would've never had the guts to even talk to Gianna without your help.[/color][/b]" Watching Lucas pull out a tile in the ceiling, he saw him pull out an energy drink and... a book? Lucas had never seemed like much of a reading person to Jackson, but the more he looked at it, the more it looked like some sort of journal. [i][color=868324]What?! Lucas has a diary? Oh my goodness, everything I thought I knew has been torn apart![/color][/i]" He couldn't read the writing on the cover, but he could only assume that Lucas' name was written on it. After all, he couldn't think of any other reason for his roommate to have something like that. Hearing Lucas' threat joke, he told him assuredly as he crossed his heart, "[b][color=868324]You know what? Sure, man. I'll take it to the grave.[/color][/b]" As Lucas read through the entries, Jackson thought to himself, [i][color=868324]Hold on, this doesn't make any sense. Lucas would never keep anything as precious as a diary, and he would certainly never write in it if he had one. Maybe... Is it someone else's?[/color][/i] As he realized the situation, he gave Lucas a knowing smile. Jackson could only imagine some freshman somewhere freaking out because of a lost diary. The thought amused him to no end, and he considered pausing time for a brief moment to take a closer look, but he decided against it. As long as he never read it, then he could almost honestly tell someone that he had no clue about it. Changing the subject, he said to Lucas apologetically, "[b][color=868324]By the way, all of your stuff was like this when I got here. We didn't get too freaky or anything. At least... I think we didn't. Anyway, sorry about your mattress, and your clothes, and the door... and your dresser... and I don't think your laptop is working either... and there's probably some other stuff that I haven't noticed yet. Man, you must have pissed someone off real bad to get all this. Do you have any clue who could've done something like this?[/color][/b]" Jackson thought for a moment on who he thought it might have been, but he came to no conclusion. Too many people in the school held some sort of animosity towards Lucas; it could've been anyone. Getting up from his bed and seeing that Lucas was about to leave, Jackson said to Lucas, not really expecting a response, "[b][color=868324]Well, if you need any help getting revenge or whatever, text me or something. But probably not tonight. I'm hoping to meet Gianna again and go get dinner. Italian food sounds good right about now. Anyways, ciao![/color][/b]" He walked out of the door and out onto campus, although he did not plan to stay there for long. His plan was to use a bit of pocket money that he had been saving to go buy a new shirt and a pair of khakis for tonight. If he was going out with Gianna, then he wanted to look good. Jackson's inner reverie was interrupted by a notification from his phone. Checking it quickly, he couldn't help but become frustrated as he read it. The message was from his mom, and it read: [b]From: Mom[/b] [i]Hey sweetie! Sorry if you're still asleep, but I just wanted to remind you that today is your grandpa's 80th birthday! Remember, the party is in an hour, so make sure to be there. We all can't wait to see you![/i] Jackson didn't even bother to stifle his groan as he threw his head back in exasperation. He loved being with his family and everything, but they had the worst timing in history. To be fair, he knew it was probably his fault for forgetting the occasion, but it was vexing all the same. Putting a hand through his hair, he texted Gianna quickly. [b]To: Gianna[/b] [i][color=868324]Sorry Gianna, but something's come up, and I don't think I'll be able to make it. At least, I won't be back until later. Don't take it as disinterest or anything; I've just got a crappy schedule. Maybe some other time?[/color][/i] Sending the message with a sigh, he headed to the campus parking lot, where his car was parked. Taking a moment to reflect on his own bad luck, he turned the ignition and headed to a day at his grandfather's house, rather than a date with the Queen of Delphina. [i][color=868324]Yay, so much fun.[/color][/i][/center]