[@supertinyking] The girl stopped, staring blankly up at the motherly figure, a finger pointed at her lips absentmindedly. The warm aura and soothing voice were such a welcome change. It affected her subconsciously, reminding her of things she barely remembered, a family, safety, a home. She swallowed back her tears and couldn't resist throwing her arms around the woman as she picked her up. Even thought Ilyndriel didn't know who this woman was, she felt like she knew her, a subconscious connection was formed between two beings of good and innocence. She curled up in the being's arms, finding more comfort than she had in a long time. Was it too good to be true? Sadly, she began to tell her story. "I was going outside, and I met his man, and I wanted him to meet my friends, so I brought him into the hive, and then all these people came and started fighting, and then the man got angry, and he wanted to hurt this girl, and then he hit my other friend, and... " And she just started crying after that. She rubbed her eyes and after a few breaths, was able to continue. "My friend Michael tried to help, but then he said he'd had to let the man hurt the girl, and I don't understand why. I don't know what to do and nobody listens to me, cuz I don't have a big sword, and that's not fair." She seemed calmer after that, and the gentle rocking was helping. "I don't want you to go over there and get hurt."