I'm more upset people didn't laugh at my joke. "And that, my friend, is the question." is comedy gold, c'mon! [hider=CS: Not my best, but eh] [center][h1][color=8882be][b][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8aShfolR6w8]STATIC[/url][/b][/color][/h1][color=7e6e75]21[color=8882be] ♦[/color] Virgil Hawkins [color=8882be]♦[/color] Chaotic Good [img]http://old.brokenfrontier.com/userfiles/images/blogs/2011/3_mar/TCEstaticshockdelay_0316.jpg[/img] [sub][b]“Were you expecting Black Lightning?”[/b][/sub][/color][/center] [color=8882be][sub][ ߜ ] O R I G I N[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=7e6e75]Virgil Hawkins has been fighting crime since he was thirteen years old. Born in Dakota City, Virgil has always seen the worst side of the Midwestern urban metropolis. Growing up in a single-parent household following the death of his mother, Virgil only had his sister and father to lean on for the majority of his life— and with the latter’s overworked schedule and their neighborhood’s decline due to escalation of urban crime it was hard for Virgil to grow up as a well-adjusted kid. Whilst his older sister attempted to make sure his head on straight, Virgil couldn’t outpace the criminal elements that surrounded him and by the time he was in middle school he was taken in by one of the neighborhood gangs. However, it would not be long before Virgil would be released from the ruthless lifestyle within the gang following an incident that has since become known as The Big Bang— and no, not the one that created the universe, don’t be ridiculous. After suffering overwhelming losses on the war against crime the Mayor of Dakota City (Thomasina Jefferson) committed herself to a collaboration with Alva Technologies, a scientific firm that specialized in meta-biology and mechanical engineering, to solve the problem efficiently and with a ruthless approach. The collaboration of course was kept secret due to the “sketchy” territory they were about to embark on— they were going to attack the roots of Dakota’s problem at the source. After weeks of methodically planning the police received word that a massive meeting on neutral grounds between the gangs was to take place on Paris Island. Mayor Jefferson made sure she wouldn’t miss and the police were armed with gas that they were told would subdue the gangs. However the police’s assault would create mixed results and journalist Frieda Goren would criticize the police and government for their actions. The casualties were high on Paris Island due to a reaction to the gas that was not estimated— one third of those affected would mutate into metahumans and abominations whilst the rest would die from the gas. Mayor Jefferson denied all involvement and pinned it on the Police Department— several people lost their jobs and the real culprits took no responsibilities. Virgil, affected by the gas would eventually realize he now had “superpowers” though as a cost he also noticed that the gang members who survived like he had decided to bond together before viciously attacking as a new criminal organization that became known as The Blood Syndicate. Taking up the superhero alias of [b]Static[/b], Virgil works to stop The Blood Syndicate's plot as well as uncover the truth of the Big Bang. In the years following, Static has garnered quite an impressive reputation as a independent hero as well as an occasional ally to other heroes. Currently Static is “independently employed”, though he did spend most of college interning for Alva Technologies— however such internship he had his own intentions for. For the last three years he has been dating Daisy Watkins, a fellow student he met in college and pretty much the only thing outside his family that is normal in his life. [/color][/indent] [color=8882be][sub][ ߜ ] A P P E A R A N C E[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=7e6e75]Life in the inner city of his hometown in combination with Virgil’s own personal sense of choice in clothing gives off the impression of a kid with a sense of style that is all his own and probably dirt cheap— you’d probably find any of the assortments of jackets he likes in a pawn shop, thrift store, or bargain bin. Due to his fascination with the element that has sort of embodied him, Virgil likes blues and purples accompanied by dark colors such as black and gray; a joke about being “black and blue all over” has been quipped many times in the past and probably will continue to be uttered. Also due to the electrical currents, a pair of goggles are often on hand; though that very could be explained by the energy he deals with or perhaps the fact he likes anime a bit too much. [/color][/indent] [color=8882be][sub][ ߜ ] A T T R I B U T E S[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=7e6e75]Static has been described as a metahuman who has the ability to control and perhaps create electromagnetic energy. Said electromagnetism can allow him to wield a variety of innate abilities such as storing electromagnetic energy, generating bolts of “lightning”, magnetizing objects, levitation through magnetic fields, a minor healing factor, hear radio-waves, and various other utilities. Static’s vast attributes makes him one of the most formidable metahumans on the planet, though it is clear that his personality has gotten in the way of utilizing his talents to the fullest. Additionally, Virgil is said to be scientifically brilliant and his peers have suggested that his understanding of engineering, meta-biology, and theoretical energy to be on par with some of the most brilliant experts in the field.[/color][/indent] [color=8882be][sub][ ߜ ] M O T I V E S & A S S E T S[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=7e6e75]Honestly, if you asked Virgil why he was looking to join the Justice League he would probably tell you he hasn’t the faintest clue because it is most definitely the biggest responsibility in the world and generally him and responsibility have a toxic relationship. There could be a variety of reasons from being recruited, his loyalty to his hero Green Lantern (John Stewart), or simply because it is the right thing to do. In terms of what Virgil [i]brings[/i] to The Justice League the answer is probably little beyond having a powerset that allows him multiple utilities as a hero. Not discounting his intelligence, Virgil is also inventive, smart, and crafty though most often he comes off as a loud-mouthed sarcastic kid with a chip on his shoulder. Overall, he’s a metahuman who can sling electricity and metal, maintain and create inventive gadgets, comprehend scientific issues at a genius level, and bring a friendly face to the group of superheroes and vigilantes. Ideally, Virgil is a solid replacement for the Justice League's Ray Palmer (aka The Atom) due to his scientific lean. [/color][/indent] [color=8882be][sub][ ߜ ] N O T E S[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=7e6e75]Dakota City was ranked fourth in worst cities to live in the United States on a poll from 2007— Gotham, Bludhaven, and Hub ranking higher on the list respectively.[/color][/indent] [/hider]