[@Tyki] [@Wraithblade6] [@Letter Bee] [@Kishin Asura] [@ShadowVentus] [@Teoinsanity] [Everyone else who I may forget cause I just got home from work] As mewtwo opens his portal, he witnesses what seems to be three demons in a battle, one wearing armor, one wearing baggy burlap pants, and one being dunked into another portal that leads to molten stone perhaps? Of course, this was the fight between Doom, Khaine, and Gram. Of course Mewtwo could sense his portal was redirected by some power, not his own. Gram saw Doom being dunked into the molten river, and he did something extremely, extremely, EXTREMELY, stupid. Leaping forwards, he seems to ignore the demon lord, and reaches into the liquid demon-steel, grabbing Doom. This of course left him open to Khaine stabbing him in the back, again, but Gram seems to not care, tunnel visioning on saving this creature who came to his aid. Of course, he did aim to elbow Khaine in the face as he pulled on Doom with one arm, and pulled back on Khaine's arm with the other. "Unhand him, this is between us..." Gram growls, before looking down at Doom. "You can fight the winner, but you stay out of this too. I'm trying to keep the violence to a minimum here!" Gram growls, but seems oddly, seems more agitated by Doom, than Khaine. Of course, he sees the portal, distracting him. "What?!" He yells. "More humans?!" "Do not worry young one..I will stop the violence....do not cry, young one..." The woman speaks, as she continues to rock the young angel girl. "You are safe with me...and I too, see it as unfair......many people think might makes right, but it only leads to a mighty fall....kindness, is always the correct path." She says, trying to sooth the emotional pain of her now found sheep.