[@Weird Tales] I am very interested and would like to try this. Power's not very original, but me and my good friend worked it through and liked it. Alias: Loud Love Age: 16 Gender: Male Appearance: Young, pale and lithe boy with somewhat unproportionately long limbs and slightly elongated oval-shaped cranium - but nothing far beyond the norm. Appealing, slightly effeminate face, wider-than-usual hips, small hands and long, long hair reaching slightly below the hip might help to mistake him for a girl, but the falseness of that assessment is proven really easily, seeing as he does not wear any sort of clothing whatsoever due to the nature of his power - however, some parts of his skin, especially chest, temples and the zone around the mouth are covered in strange, black tatto-like patterns of complex geometrical figures. Personality: Vicious, Playful, Whimsical but Loyal, Confiding Powers: Explosive Teleportation, Increased Durability, Super-Sight. Explosive Teleportation - Loud Love's body and brain generate a fantastic field of quantum instability that allows him to essentially be in many points of space at once due to a specific sort of probability manipulation - at least that is how he himself explains his ability. Whenever he makes a conscious or unconscious effort of will, the field agitates the fabric of time-space and then, faster than in a blink of an eye, without any buildup, special effects or strange sounds except for one, Loud Love just ceases to exist in one point and immediately appears in the another place of his choosing. What makes this already potent power a truly horrible force, however, is the fact that matter and objects at the destination point of the teleportation do not just change places with Loud Love or cease to be. Instead they are extremely violently displaced in the direction and vector of his choosing - for example, if he teleports into a wall or even a free space that is filled with nothing but air, the volume of rock, air or metal equal to the volume of his body is very quickly pushed away from it's previous position to make place for Loud Love, and he can effectively control the shape and direction in which all this material will be shot out. It is possible to concentrate all of the displaced material into an very thin 'ray' that will be utterly terrifying in it's penetrating power or force it to be expelled in an explosion all around him, take shape of a cone or wide line. A very fancy-looking technique that Loud Love implements, partially for show and partially as protection from enemy fire is a series of lightning-fast teleportations that make up an impression of him moving frame-by-frame, each new jump accompanied by an extremely powerful blast of air that might even put out a person's eye at close range. Of course, the ability can also be used on living targets, with obvious gruesome and almost hopelessly fatal effects - an especially jolly show that Loud Love likes to put on is teleporting so that only his finger or fist is phasing inside of a person's head, with a compressed jet of brain and bone immediately rupturing forth out of his temple or crown of the head. The only drawback discovered by Loud Love yet is that he can only teleport himself, without any sort of clothing or gear on his person. At the point of his departure, air quickly fills in the emptiness left by Love's body, producing a sound somewhat like a thunderclap. (If it is required, i also have an [b]actual[/b] weakness for this power. Say a word and i'll add it.) Increased Durability - Loud Love's flesh is incredibly dense, his blood pressure is very high - though his wounds close quickly, not allowing for lots of blood loss - and his system excels a normal human's one in general endurance and durability - while nowhere near the levels of actual "brick" superhumans, it is enough to compensate for sudden and often drastic pressure changes that come after teleportations, cold that he suffers without clothing and sometimes save him from a small-caliber bullet in soft tissue. Super-Sight - Loud Love posesses better-than-perfect sight and sense of perspective, able to view minute details at quite long distances, see at night and notice slightest changes in observed scenery. This is absolutely essential for the use of his power, which requires a big deal of precision and concentration to teleport over large distances or through any sort of semi-transparent obstacles, such as smoke or glass. Additionally, Loud Love posesses lightning-quick reflexes, allowing him to almost subconsciously teleport out of the way of some blows and lines of fire - oh, and makes him extremely suitable for being a marksman. Equipment: None, obviously - though sometimes he uses something that he can pick up at the moment. Short Bio: He was a pretty okay boy - somewhat of delinquent but a nice kid at heart. Got bullied sometimes for his looks but not nearly often enough to traumatize him. Suffered from some parental neglect but it didn't bring him low. Had a GREAT interest for music and really, really loved and adored a particular pop star, very very hard. Once they had a show in his small town, but oh, great sadness - he couldn't afford the ticket! So the guy came as close to the open-topped concert hall as he could, climbed on top of some nearby building and watched the performance from there with infinite glee, wishing so, so very hard that maybe by some miracle he could be there, on stage as close to his idol as it was possible~ The wish was granted immediately as the guy suddenly warped inside of his most favorite artist in the whole world and burst out of him in a shower of gore and guts - and then, he proceeded to teleport into every single place that he cast his gaze upon, always with horribly deadly results because he first of all turned his attention to people, trying to ask for help. Now THIS - this traumatized him alright. The murderous teleportating escapade went on for many hours and half of the globe until it finally stopped when the kid fell asleep. After that came a year or two of hiding from the authorities and people, with every attempt to reenter society resulting in another disaster that happened every time he became strongly agitated until at some point the guy just snapped and went off the deep end after a period of fugue and crippling depression and became what he is now. Other: Thinking about it.