Fafnir awoke late in the day, sun high in the sky peering through his temporary makeshift tent he had made overnight. Mercenary work was hard to get wealthy of, so far what little jobs he succeeded in were minor tasks at best. However as he stretched there he noticed a letter at the entrance to his tent. Retrieving the paper he read it to himself before a smile grew on his face. This seemed to be a great opportunity, much better then watching a stable or escorting a few merchants town to town. Be the formality of the letter, or pure optimism, he could smell the sense of adventure looming from the paper itself. Not wanting to waste any time, as he was eager to get to business right away, he quickly took care of his morning routines, got suited up into his plated armor, equipment at the ready, and headed off to the location described in the letter, the old guard tower. When he arrived, he was suprised to see he wasn't the first one there. Though considering he didn't wake up until later in the day, it wasn't an impossible thought. By now it was dusk, as he didn't have a horse to traverse across town faster. Fafnir noticed that he wasn't the only mercenary assigned for this job, which only furthered the idea that this was going to be a big job. A dwarf, a female with what he could only assume was experienced with both swords and magic, and another man who seemed more of my stature, though seemed to have some strange sword on him. "This is for the mercenaries rights?" I asked as I began to take a seat, trying to get an estimate on who exactly I'll be working with.