[hr][hr][center][h1][color=salmon][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjcyLmVmOGQ4MC5RVzE1SUZOMFpYWmxibk52YmcsLC4w/cabriolet.regular.png[/img][/color][/h1][/center][hr][hr] [center][img]http://data.whicdn.com/images/112228691/superthumb.jpg[/img][/center] [center][b][u]Location:[/u][/b] Campus Grounds → B Wing [u][b]Interacting With:[/b][/u] Minako Ikeda [@Thundercrash] [b][u]Mood:[/u][/b] Relieved → Carefree [/center] [hr] Okay, so the girl was staring at her. It was hard to tell if she was freaked out or daydreaming or what, but definitely staring just a little bit. Amy didn't mind at all, but it just meant that she wanted to know what the girl was thinking. She said something about a 'Takeshi'? Amy had no idea who that was, obviously, but she assumed it was someone with the same power as her. Something similar at the very least. At least she seemed to snap out of it when her phone buzzed. It was kind of novel to be honest, since Amy was normally the one that drifted off or whatever. After she tapped a couple of things out on her phone, the girl took Amy's offered handshake, introducing herself as Minako. Amy breathed a sigh of relief. [color=salmon]"Minako, huh? Nice meeting you! I didn't think you would tell, but cheers for saying so. Anyway, B Wing was it? It's this way, if I remember right."[/color] she said with a wide smile, turning and motioning for Minako to follow her as she walked down the path. It wasn't much of a walk to reach B Wing, and Amy tried to carry on a conversation as they went, not that it was much more than small talk, which mostly consisted of Amy trying to find out what Minako thought of the school. [color=salmon]"So, anything interesting happened to you yet?"[/color] [hr] It took maybe five minutes for them to get there, but once they did, Amy gestured towards B Wing in front of them with a smile. [color=salmon]"So there's B Wing. Not the most exciting thing in the world, but there you go. Um, is there anything else you need? I'm not busy, and I [i]suppose[/i] you're decent company."[/color] she laughed, with a carefree wink to signal that she was kidding about her lack of enthusiasm. Even if Minako didn't need anything, Amy had appreciated having the conversation. To be honest, she was glad Minako had come over, even if she did end up revealing her powers by accident. She'd been spending too many days recently where nothing at all happened, and there was only so much time she could spend indoors on her laptop. Unless she became some sort of campus hermit, that is. Even if she'd rather stay out of drama - for as long as anyone could on this campus anyway - avoiding people completely was an entirely different matter.