[center][h1][color=bc8dbf]Ofnir[/color][/h1][/center] What lay for Ellaryn outside in the corridor was the innkeepers frame, cleaved at the collarbone but the wound bloodless. Thurin's ax had been sharp. After him fell his daughter cut next. The corridor echoed only the swing of the chain down nearer the stairs and the thud of the door behind Vamyr. ”They will rise!” cried Ofnir.[color=0072bc] ”They are lifeless already, but move like puppets. Only incineration will stop them, they must burn. Help Aelin, two of you,”[/color] he told Thurin and Ellaryn, and took the lantern from the wall. He looked at the few remaining embers that seemed like fiery eyes watching through a shadow. A scream came through his thoughts. He stepped back, but recollected himself, and with angered brow commanded the fire to burn. The shadow shrunk and the lantern flared strongly again. With an alien incantation he tossed it onto the bodies that were felled and saw them catch fire just as they were about to move again, feeling sorrow and anger -- as much as he could in such a chaotic moment -- for what his presence had brought them. [color=39b54a][i]Craven fiend![/i][/color] he thought looking at the shiny eye in which flames were bent and reflected, knowing the one looking through them would feel it. The eyeball burst and Ofnir returned to the present. [color=0072bc]”Let him out!”[/color] he said aiming his staff at Vamyr's direction.