Ciara fell to her knees, utterly out of words. ''huh'' She said confused ''but Cherub and Surgat they....'' She said slowly. She had misunderstand compleatly. She felt like a big fool to have acted like that. ''Then I have done all this for nothing'' She spoke soft as she released the magic cirlce. The whole floor lighted up and the lines of her spell became visible. The faded from the floor, leaving small flocks of light dancing around the room. ''I spent the past 20 minutes drawing this thing, and I will not even be able to use it'' She said as she stood up. ''I really came here prepared to drag you with me if I had to'' She smiled as she laid her hand on the shoulder of Botis. '' I am sorry for misunderstanding your words, and I am sorry for sneaking into you mansion'' Ciara apologized. ''Well at least I can say have snuck into a demons mansion with succes'' She giggled, before she realized something. She had never ever before done a reverse summoning. She laughed a bit akward towards Botis ''ehe haha, you will not believe this Count Botis. I actually forgot to look up how to how to reverse summon. So any change you can come to the surface and take me with you'' ''and in return you may ask one thing of me and I will do it'' Ciara offerd, after all this was not really a part of their contract.