Gobskag rubbed his spindly green claws, a little too eagerly for anyone to be comfortable with. "Sure, sure," he rasped, leering, "Poor, weak elfses and stunties needs their rest, [i]neehh?[/i] Heh hehh... Ol' Gobskag will keep watch, an' make sure nuffing goes missing in da bleak, spooooky dead of night, [i]hneh heh hnehh...[/i]" It would be a good chance to poke around the cursed castle, too. Treasure and food aside, Gobskag would have bet his left eye there was a proper humie skeleton somewhere on the premises. Right good bones for magikk wands, and an evil-looking skull wouldn't go awry on his orkkult robes, neither. "Den in da mornin' we can gets down ta business... But I ain't goin' in no cage!" he sqwaked, thumping his stikk against the floor for emphasis. "I gots a betta plan. One wiv extra cunnin' bits. Yous'll see." He withdrew into suspicious mumbling, eyeing the others surreptitiously from under his hood and glancing around for secret doors.