[h1][center][color=39b54a]Lord Emerin Hyland[/color][/center][/h1] [center][img]https://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.M08930edecb8adbbe2e4f10b8d7fd9c40H1&pid=15.1[/img][/center] Interacting with Balin: [@RangingWolf] [hr] Emerin saw Tiras, Grey and Maria running off after the kings ludicrous comment and Emerin felt a pang of guilt for not speaking out but Emerin rather valued his head, he hoped his guests had the foresight to keep quiet lest they lose their tongues. The gully family seemed to be having a mini family reunion, and Arthur did not seem best pleased nor did the knight Tybalt, Emerin was reminded of the last time they met for talks about his nieces betrothal to Lucan who seemed to be near the young princes, Emerin smirked after thinking of Amara's possible reaction to her precious son serving the family she hated. [hr] Emerin noticed Balin sat at the table watching his sister with a cat, heavens knows where she picked that thing up. Emerin knew how much Balin hated the political side of the family so he probably needed cheering up, Emerin moved slowly observing all the minor lords and Ladies desperate for power, he stood infront of his Nephew [color=39b54a]"Does your mother know you're drinking that?, and what is your brother wearing? it's an affirmation to the eyes![/color] Emerin spoke playfully scolding him. [color=39b54a]"Well aren't you going to offer you're favorite Uncle a glass?"[/color] Emerin raised his eyebrows a smile still on his face.