[@smarty0114][@Buddha][@Pundii][@Tmitche23][@Ferris] Calling a meeting of the Gully players, I'm just reiterating this information because I read some meta-gaming going on in the IC. None of them know about Brandt's existence. The only one who does is Arthur Gully, and if he does decide to tell anyone, then it would have to be done IC. Otherwise, yeah, nobody knows about him. That one time where he met his father, he wasn't the pirate king. That was all pre-pirate king. Now, on this next post, he's going to give Madeleine a few gifts, and he's going to be entering the tournament because he feels he'd get to know his siblings better through combat, and also, if he goes against Ithobal, "secretly" it would be to measure his worthiness of the House and the Ainsworth throne he was trying for. If the guy proves to be unworthy, then it's just going to make Brandt feel a little angry - angry that someone so unworthy would be heir. Now Brandt, he keeps up with the Gully children. He doesn't know their darkest secrets or any of that. He only knows what anyone could know such as their positions in the House. He doesn't know them on a personal level. So basically, the only reason he is even there, is just to see how/who they are.