[hider=#58 'The Carnie'] [b]Name:[/b] 'Happy' Hank St-Charles [b]Age:[/b] 41 [b]Height:[/b] 5'7 [b]Weight:[/b] 167 [b]Nationality:[/b] ?? [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/ba/9c/ba/ba9cbab6f0f00dfb59f3e0386c8da95c.jpg[/img] [b]Bio:[/b] Hank never had a family, he was abandoned at the carnival at age 1, his parents were drug addicts who couldn't look after him. So the 'Carnies' took him in as one of their own, rasing him to work as a clown who would operate the bumper car rides. But the whole carnival staff was unstable, they were known for attacking customers, not keeping rides safe and there were also rumors of kidnapping. Hank was the final nail in the coffin when his incompitence allowed two 10 year old twin girls to be put into a coma after their bumper car which wasnt properly secure went speeding off the ride and into a generator.... That incedent would forever close down the carnival and leave Hank without a job or a family. Using parts of the abandoned rides, he was able to build his own vehicle to enter the Risk Rally, and hopefully use the money to start his own themepark from scratch....to make the world 'happy' again. [b]Theme Song: 'Gentle Terror' [/b] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watchv=Ion3N5WFOqQ&list=PL9EVmZg3x8WLzyhx_iaZGhGPAg02Vb34K&index=5[/youtube] [/hider] [hider=#58] [b]Name:[/b] 'The Chuckle Truck' [b]Apperance:[/b] [img]http://img09.deviantart.net/9292/i/2013/191/4/5/twisted_metal___dark_tooth_by_redvampire120652-d6cpla5.jpg[/img] [b]Firepower:[/b] 35 [b]Grip:[/b] 7 [b]Frame:[/b] 30 [b]Acceleration:[/b] 20 [b]Top Speed:[/b] 8 [b]Special Weapon/Ability[/b]: (explained later) [b]Personal Weapon:[/b] Extendo-Boxing Glove [b]Flavour Text:[/b] [/hider]