Just in the opening seconds, the missile lock alarm had already rung in Husein's F-5. [i]Damn it, I'm out of the competition before I could do anything![/i] he thought to himself. He wondered how would Emmerian viewers think of what had just happened after he disappointed them completely. But instead of confirming his elimination, the AWACS told something completely different. [i]A-Team, that's not B-Team! Unlocking missiles, you have permission to engage the bogies![/i] The first thing Husein did was making a hard break, then attempted to maintain a 9-o-clock position relative to the missile. As soon as he broke the missile's lock, he said over the radio, "Mold, engaging," and then equipped his missiles and attempted to find the aggressor. Finding the aggressor using the Identification Friend-or-Foe (IFF) system didn't work because even his 'friends' were detected as 'foes', which is actually expected to occur, because the system was designed to identify Emmerian aircrafts. Now he has to actually [i]look[/i] around for planes that weren't there before. By the time he found a hostile MiG-29, it was already on his tail.