[center][h3]The Demon of Crassus Manor[/h3][/center] [center][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v252/HlySd/GillesIvanArach_zpsakmcabuz.png[/img][/center] [center][i]From left to right: Gilles de Rais, Ivan IV Vasilyevich, and Corpseater.[/i][/center] [center][b]Date:[/b] [color=yellow]Day One[/color] / [b]Time:[/b] [color=yellow]Evening[/color][/center] [center][@duskshine749][@vosendich][@TheWizardLizard][@ShaggyDoo0][@Snagglepuss89][@Buddywazzizname][/center] Leonidas stared in horror at the strange appendages that unfurled from Corpseater’s maw. She was a creature out of a nightmare. Was that what the god fruit made? Nightmares? Her bony fingers were inches from his face, and within Ivan’s icy grip, all he could do was helplessly wait for his face to be grasped within her starving grip until a rock flew through the air and a loud pop of stone hitting bone caused the beast to recoil with an agonized scream. Gilles and Ivan froze fearfully before they turned their heads to look back up the path. Two more rocks, both aimed for the faces of Gilles and Ivan, struck their skulls with two loud [i]pops![/i] Naturally, their hands rushed to the pained spot on their faces, which resulted in Leonidas being released. In a frightened scramble, Leonidas quickly crawled as far away from the hideous spider monster and toward his friends as he could. Shaka had seemed to come out of nowhere. The dark-skinned pugilist had the shadows to his advantage as he slid into the back of Ivan’s knees. The overseer cried out in a noise that was a mixture between a cry of anger and a grunt of pain. He struck the floor, and Leonidas turned, leaping into the air with his arm raised and brought the wedge of his elbow dropping against the overseer’s throat. The overseer coughed and sputtered, recoiling from Leonidas to curl into a ball with his hand about his throat. Gilles stared at the three of them, eyes wide in shock that they had been able to down Ivan so easily. He was terrified. He couldn’t let them escape. Not alive! In an attempt to sound sure and confident in his most apprehensive state, Gilles laughed almost maniacally at the three: “Look Corpseater, more food. There are three little bugs for you to snack on.” Gilles raced over to Arachne’s chain while she was still clutching her stinging face, and he released it from the wall. Her freedom rang on a resonating [i]ping![/i] The spider woman lowered her hands, her eyes wide in shock. She reached back and grasped her chain, tugging it to feel that it was no longer bound to the wall. “Go my dear, eat to your heart’s content!” Gilles encouraged. Arachne looked at the three slaves, seeing that they were only children. As ravenous as she had seemed before, there seemed to be a sense of intelligence in her glistening eyes as they grew moist with tears. The woman looked to Gilles and her many legs shifted, turning her enormous body to face him. Gilles instantly paled. “W…What are you doing?” he questioned in terror. Arachne started to creep toward him, her fangs sliding from her lips. “No! You can’t! You can’t do this! Arachne….please…” said Gilles pathetically. He dropped to his knees and held out his arms. “I love you.” [h3][color=red][i]EIYAAAAAH![/i][/color][/h3] The spider woman pounced Gilles so swift, his back instantly snapped in half, folding him backwards. With her numerous arms and legs, she began tearing apart his limbs as she crunched and slurped at his body and juices. Shaka, Leo, and Robin would feel a gust pass over them before noticing that Ivan had vanished and was no longer lying where they had last seen him. Leonidas was engrossed in the scene of Corpseater devouring Gilles. He had never seen anything like it, and for a child, it normally would have been too much, but for some reason…he wasn’t afraid. Had Arachne remembered who her true enemy was? She could have done what Gilles had commanded and killed all three of them. Leonidas couldn't help but pity her.