[b]Fon w/ Rei and Yoshi[/b] Seeing the carnage wreaked on the poor robot, Fon removed a slip of paper and a pen from his robes, which he used to inscribe a message that he handed off to his white monkey. [color=red]"Lichi, take these to Kawaguchi-kun and Kanno-kun,"[/color] he requested, sending his animal companion deep into the wilderness to seek out the two students. After Yoshi had sufficiently calmed (for a given value of calm, at least) down, Fon cleared his throat. [color=red]"Wonderful job you two,"[/color] he praised, circling the beaten machine. He was admittedly rather surprised that Yoshi hadn't immediately defaulted on the little gift he had been given, but it was not unpleasant at any rate. [color=red]"We shall be returning to camp now to regroup,"[/color] he explained, taking the lead this time, [color=red]"...And, perhaps, to get Sugihara-kun a change of clothes."[/color] [b]w/ Hisaki[/b] Machines can't feel. Or so many anti-synthetic proponents prevalent fiction commonly suggest. Empirically speaking though, this was a true fact. Thus, Hisaki was able to render the machine inert with ease. It wasn't off, though. Walking over to the machine's core meant he would now be within the machine's sight, but that didn't matter. Nobody overseas really knew who the hell he was, and it's not like they could've done anything about it anyway. At any rate, the core was pried open like a clamshell, only to reveal a hollow space with a bunch of padding. A place for a pilot? Cargo? Who knows. There was an active diagnostic display that appeared to indicate that it was still functional. He found the off-switch - or at least something that turned off all the lights and made a cooling down noise when switched - right next to it. Shortly after, Lichi appeared from the trees and passed off one of his notes. It had "Return to camp for answers + attendance + food" written on it. [b]w/ Sachiko[/b] It was plainly clear that Sachiko had won at this point. Her tiger's teeth were embedded into the stubby little neck of the machine, flame-coated jaws tearing through it with cavalier ease. The same could be said of the assassin's cloud knife. Combined, the two factors worked to decapitate the mosca, causing it to fall dead with the crash of stone on steel. It was done. The deed was complete. And with that knowledge, Shiso had completed her observation of Sachiko and Hisaki. Thus, she began to return to camp quickly and stealthily. Like with Hisaki, best monkey soon passed by Sachiko and handed the second, identical note off to her. He made a face at Asteion before heading back to his master. What a hard-working guy. [hr] [b]Back at Camp[/b] The returning scene was, as previously stated, a far cry from the barren patch of earth from before, and was a welcome sight for our returning fighters. What was more reassuring was the fact that there were answers to be promised. Of course, it appeared that their camp was minus two people, and the last of the three who had stayed was sleeping soundly in a green tent. Sitting around the fire was Shiso, who gestured for them to take a seat by the flames. There were hotdogs on sticks being cooked over the fire as well, and two coolers behind her. "Glad to see everyone made it back alright," she suppressed a chuckle as her eyes passed over Yoshi, "Have a seat, grab a stick, and feel free to ask me what it is you want to know whenever you feel." There was no change of clothes for Yoshi. Sucks to suck.