[center][img]http://i2.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/890/992/609.gif[/img] [i]SONO CHI NO SADAME![/i][/center] In the world of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, the characters are special talented people that have one of many wondrous powers, bound by fate to one day meet. You could say people with these powers are blessed, but there is always one that would strike this opportunity to become something more. A God, or something all powerful and ruling. In the end, there will be conflict. Whether this conflict ends with peace or with war is chosen by the one standing proudly at the end. In Funky Fistfight Freezers, I want to have a JoJo's experience with players. This should be straightforward. It will be wacky, it will have action in it and there will be a lot of fun and joy. The characters will all be new! Please try and refuse from copying from the original franchise. With that said, shall I go to the point of plot? [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/5juwp6EE7KMdq/giphy.gif[/img] 1985. The recently founded city of Angel Springs in the middle of nowhere of the US&A was wiped from the map mere months after the population reached roughly a thousand residents. Some say that it was a test from the government, others think that this was an act of terrorism. Since the were no traces of chemical or nuclear weapons, it was safely assumed that living there was still capable. The crater was filled up and the land was restored. 1990. The city is at peace. Residents are living happily at Angel Springs and enjoy their daily routine. 1995. Another incident happened that left the city in shock. The mayor was assaulted by a man that screamed "DOWN WITH THE STAND USERS!" The mayor suffered from the wounds for many weeks, quietly passing away. 1999. With the approaching end of the millennia, the city of Angel Springs (now reaching the population of close to 20k) celebrates with a massive firework. A malfunctioning set of fireworks damages a small suburban neighborhood and injures ten residents. Today: 2016. Life is normal in Angel Springs... For now. [i]Opening Intro[/i] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/Zhy8bUGcxKTLy/giphy.gif[/img] [u][b]Character Sheet[/b][/u] Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: Backstory: Likes: Dislikes: Powers: (See below) ----- [img]http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/972/842/1aa.gif[/img] [u]Possible Powers:[/u] [b]Hamon/Ripple[/b]: The power of life and the Sun, it stands as polar opposite to Vampirism. It is a martial arts technique involving controlled respiration and fluid movements. Awakens and fuels increased healing powers and is a power-up method. It can be passed through other organisms or fluids, while it lacks or loses power through solid objects. [b]Spin[/b]: As a spin-off version of Hamon, Spin is the power to tear and twist objects through momentum. It is traditionally used with metal balls as medium to exert Spin unto a target. It can pass through solid objects but lacks strength in fluids, as they simply diffuse the momentum too fast. Like Hamon, it can induce power-up surges and healing factors, but has a more offense approach than Hamon. [b]Vampirism[/b]: Close to the fictional figure of the vampire, Vampirism is an attempt of an ancient race to evolve into the perfect being by becoming adaptable to their surroundings. It makes the user susceptible to Sun as damage source, turning the body into ashes in mere moments. Even the most powerful vampires cannot withstand the power of sunlight. In return, the vampire can regenerate even the most fatal damages, cut off limbs left able to act and move as if they were still connected to the body. The only sustenance a vampire needs is blood, which they can drain from humans or animals with mere touch. A completely drained human turns into a vampire, but lacking any power compared to their creator. [b]Stand[/b]: A Stand is the spiritual power of the user manifested in a pseudo-physical shape which is only visible to other Stand users. The Stand itself has one specific power which can evolve over time, but usually remains as it was first manifested. This power can range from simple physical prowess to mental abilities. Stands can be harmed by other Stands AND damage done to the Stand damages the user. Most abilities only work with the Stand "revealed", as it can slumber within the user to hide it from others. Stands are (with exceptions) named after bands/songs/lyrics, much like the users themselves. ----- Please be polite to one another, enjoy the game and post frequently for all to enjoy ^^