[center][color=DEB887][h2]Yala Jarra-Binalku[/h2][/color] [@Leslie Hall]•[@LokiLeo789]•[@fluorescent]•[@Fubsy][/center] [hr] Yala had circled around to paint Tobu's back, he kindly moved his long hair out of her way, when Kwelek's arrival drew her attention to himself and Jannali. With so many others bustling around the gathering party, the young healer in training had quietly approached without her noticing. Yala glanced with an amused smile at the two young ones at the mention of a secret. Her eyes narrowed briefly at Kwelek's quick attempt at backtracking, however the look of suspicion was soon replaced with interest. She watched curiously as Jannali took the bundle and opened it up. At first it had looked like an oddly wrapped collection of pelts but it was obvious that wasn't the case. Thin, slightly yellowed material splayed outward, as thin as leaves and every one of them covered in small dark scratches. Yala's voice faltered as her attention focused on the object. Many a bizarre and unique thing can be found in the Moodja, but she had never seen something like this brought back from the desert. The scratches were most peculiar. Almost like a small bird had stepped in soot and skittered about on it. 'Or someone's attempt at painting, prehaps?' Looking again, Yala thought she could make out some markings that resembled figures, but on the whole it was indecipherable. Whoever had created these would certainly need more practice if that was the case. She wanted to reach out and take a closer look - and she might've done - but at that moment the voices surrounding the party seemed to swell in song and Yala realised the painting ceremony was winding down. Soon the Cycle's last hunt would begin. She quickly put the last touches of paint between Tobu's shoulder blades and circled back around. She passed between him and the hunter Koa on their right, who had seemed to be sizing Tobu up quite a bit a moment ago, and placed her brush back it's bowl of pain. Facing the large Akit'r again, she bowed her head politely.