[center][img]http://i1203.photobucket.com/albums/bb396/rubixon/capma2_zpskoplwplu.jpg[/img][/center] [b][color=fffda7]Identity:[/color][/b] Carol Danvers, Commander, USN/Captain Marvel [b][color=fffda7]Age:[/color][/b] 28 [b][color=fffda7]Alignment:[/color][/b] Lawful Neutral [b][color=fffda7]Backstory:[/color][/b] Born to Joe and Marie Danvers in Milford, Colorado, the lone daughter of the couple's three children. Carol's childhood was as close to idyllic as the modern world seems to get; a fixture in a small town where people knew each other, and cared for each other. The world was changing, sure enough, but the folks in Milford barely knew a single homosexual--let alone any mutants. It was the perfect kind of place for a girl with big dreams to fly high to grow up, especially considering the many air bases in the area. Since the day she was three and attended her first air show, Carol Danvers knew what she wanted to do with her life. There was never any mystery. Life changed after graduating the top of her highschool class. There had been a brief recruitment battle between the Air Force and the Navy, but in the end, the idea of being a pilot that could travel the world and fly off the steel deck of an air craft carrier was enough to win her over. All of that was great, fun even, but reality came fast and cold as she left home for Annapolis. The demands seemed insane, the expectations extreme, and for the first semester she felt more like she was drowning than living any kind of dream. After a holiday break spent at home, Carol returned to Annapolis and found her footing. With comfort and confidence came results; Carol was quickly proving herself a fine student and better Cadet. Soon after the Academy Carol begins pilot training, and her career is on the fast track. Nothing seems to change until Carol is selected as a finalist for NASA's Astronaut Corps. Though she doesn't make the final cut, she does meet an alien named Mar-Vell by a trick of fate, an alien under the disguise of a NASA scientist, Dr. Walter Lawson. Though Mar-Vell doesn't admit exactly what he's doing on Earth, or why exactly he's poking about Cape Canaveral, he does admit to her his commander has turned on him due to jealousy and a love triangle, framed him for the murder of the woman he loved--an admission that takes the entirety of four shots of tequila's time. Buzzing or not, the duo soon find themselves on the run from agents of Mar-Vell's commander. The two are separated, and Carol finds herself captured, brought up to a Kree warship avoiding earth's detection sensors. Mar-Vell follows despite knowing a trap awaits, and a battle ensues. In the course of the battle, Carol and Mar-Vell are caught in the explosion of a Kree Psyche-Magneton device. The energy bombardment somehow caused Carol’s genetic structure to be melded with Mar-Vell's. While Mar-Vell was apparently unaltered by the event, Carol was now a perfect hybrid of Kree and human genes. In addition, she possessed all of Mar-vell's Kree knowledge and training. A transformed Carol joining the fight after the explosion is enough to swing the fight in their favor, leaving Yon-Rogg to limp home and answer for his crimes and deceptions. Inspired by, and nudged into it by, Mar-Vell, Carol adopts the identity of Captain Marvel to do more with her new found powers than simply hide. Carol Danvers outs herself first to the US Navy, and subsequently the DoD as a whole. Until they can figure out exactly what to do with her, Carol initially spends her time as a test pilot...no one having to worry for her life if she were to blow up in blaze of fire because of a design flaw. She helps rescue submarine crews, and helps avoid disaster at another Naval facility by entering a highly radioactive zone and being remotely walked through repairs. Word gets around and another corner of the US Navy asks if Carol can help them out, too: the US Navy SEALs. Thus begins Carol's involvement in shadow ops. Her time with the SEALs is spent right alongside them, and often at the front of any and every confrontation; her new found powers saving precious lives of the special operators all around her. After a few years Carol begins working with the CIA, though never officially leaving active duty status, she would do well enough to eventually find herself working with SHIELD. Always shadow ops, always missions too dangerous or just impractical for anyone else. Eventually Carol is taken off the black ops roster, and promoted to Commander. The US public is introduced to Captain Marvel, aka Commander Carol Danvers, at a press conference. Before she gets off the stage, her phone is blowing up, most of all by a shocked set of parents: Joe and Marie. Not a week later Captain Marvel makes her first appearance, responding to Kryptonian attacks in Gotham City. It's a rough introduction, but gives Carol the confidence she can make a deciding impact even against epic targets such as Kryptonians. In the aftermath the Pentagon announces Captain Marvel's joining of the Avengers. [b][color=fffda7]Supporting Cast:[/color][/b] [i]Tony Stark[/i] - Iron-Man,the "self appointed" leader of the Avengers--a claim Carol cares little for. The more she's around Stark, the more common ground she finds, and the more she realizes just how much an asset he could really be to the team. And maybe, with improvement as a leader and a person, Carol could even see Stark leading the Avengers one day. [i]Lt. Commander Jamie Hunley, Jr., USN[/i] - Fellow female pilot, best friend. Carol's sister from another mother, as well as her current roommate. Jamie's considered a jump to SHIELD, not caring if her friendship to Captain Marvel is the reason for the potential opportunity. [i]Joey Danvers[/i] - Her brother remains a strong presence in Carol's life, as well as her bridge back to Milford's daily comings and goings. Joey is married with two daughters; both of whom hold up Captain Marvel, their aunt Carol, as their hero. [i]Alex Gage[/i] - Veteran, writer, journalist. British young man with a knack for investigative reporting who did two tours in Iraq. Carol's on again, off again, boyfriend--he's around when she has time for him, and understands when she doesn't. Not an ideal situation, but Alex is a sweet man, and a fascinating human being that Carol has all the respect in the world for. [i]Tiffany Saunders[/i] - Society writer and sometimes gossip blogger, well known fashion vlogger, all despite being a graduate of Vanderbilt and award winning writer of several children's books. Part time model, full time friend of Carol's, occassional FWB. [b][color=fffda7]Rogues:[/color][/b] [i]Nitro[/i] - A western metahuman merc fond of working for violent extremist organizations. Helped unleash a wave of terror bankrolled by al-Qaeda and the so-called Islamic State. A constant thorn in Carol's side from her time with the SEALs, and one that may have developed an unhealthy obsession with the woman who has handed him his ass more than a few times. Who knows what length Nitro will go to in order to get even with Captain Marvel. [i]Von-Rogg[/i] - Yon-Rogg's illegitimate son, present on his father's warship during the incident with Mar-Vell and Carol that cost Yon-Rogg his life. A fanatic and leader of a small band hellbent on avenging Yon-Rogg. There is talk Von-Rogg's group may be receiving aid from a higher positioned member of Kree society not pleased with the events that turned Carol Danvers into Captain Marvel... [i]Ronan the Accuser[/i] - Sees Carol as an abomination of Kree biology and technology. Though he has yet to actively work against Captain Marvel, he is aware of Captain Marvel's public emergence and her success in helping defend Earth from the Kryptonian invasion. It's only a matter of time before he decides she has broken the very natural laws of all Kree by her very existance. [i]Aria[/i] - Alien life force determined to "test" Carol for compatibility. Each "test" is more dangerous than the last, and while Carol has so far been able to fight off Aria on her own without much collateral damage, logic seems to dictate it's only a matter of time. Currently stalking Tiffany Saunders.