[hr][hr][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/qVY8bsu.png[/img][/center][hr][hr] [B][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][SUB][SUB][h3]G O T H A M C I T Y - D E V I L ' S S Q U A R E[/h3][/SUB][/SUB][/COLOR][/B] [INDENT][COLOR=DARKORCHID][B][I]Well that was odd.[/I][/B][/COLOR] Spoiler was almost flabbergasted as another vigilante arrived on the rooftop by way of ice, offered her aid and then immediately took off before she had a chance to accept or deny. If the thought truly was all that counted, the guy got a flippin' 'A' in good intentions but an 'F' in carry through. [sub][COLOR=DARKORCHID][B]"That's cool, didn't really need your help anyways."[/B][/COLOR][/sub] Spoiler muttered to herself as she moved to stand up. [color=crimson][b]“Uh… Hey man.”[/b][/COLOR] Another voice came from behind her as the other vigilante from Devil's Square appeared beside her. [color=crimson][b]“Was it just me, or was that back there totally weird? Like, I’m pretty sure that wasn’t normal. Even for Gotham’s standards. Anyway, I’m Robin. Although you probably know that, considering the uniform, and uh… the big ‘R’ on my belt.”[/b][/COLOR] If Steph hadn't been in so much pain, it would almost have been cute how the boy was rambling on. Although, having met Batman, Steph had a pretty strong hunch that a guy who got his wardrobe from the nineties wasn't actually Robin. Tuning back in to the boy, she heard him pose a question regarding her father. [color=crimson][b]“What’s the deal with those pricks down there anyway? Heard some commotion about the Riddler and some lame-ass sounding Cluemaster and...”[/b][/COLOR] And then suddenly he trailed off. Following his gaze, Steph realized he had noticed her wound. Robin's body language suddenly changed as he nervously ran his hand through his hair obviously mulling over the best solution. Yet even still his mouth spat out the worst one. [color=crimson][b]“We… we have to get you to a hospital or something!”[/b][/COLOR] His voice was strained, obviously more panicked about the wound than Steph herself. [color=crimson][b]“Can I help? Can you walk?”[/b][/COLOR] He asked reaching forward only for the Spoiler to push him back. [COLOR=DARKORCHID][B]"No hospitals..."[/B][/COLOR] She grunted. [COLOR=DARKORCHID][B]"That's where my Mo-"[/B][/COLOR] Steph paused realizing in horror that a slip up like that could lead to her identity being revealed. [COLOR=DARKORCHID][B]"No hospitals."[/B][/COLOR] She reiterated trying to cover up her stumble. Standing up of her own free will, she stumbled slightly before taking a couple of clumsy steps forward before regaining her bearings. [COLOR=DARKORCHID][B]"I can walk, it was only a graze, just tired."[/B][/COLOR] She tried to reassure Robin. [COLOR=DARKORCHID][B]"I only need to clean up and get something to eat."[/B][/COLOR] Reaching into her utility belt, Steph pulled out a roll of gauze and began to wrap it tightly around her arm. [COLOR=DARKORCHID][B]"Er.. on second thought, maybe I could use some help with this?"[/B][/COLOR] She said looking up at Robin. [COLOR=DARKORCHID][B]"Can you take me to Grant's Gym? I think the help I need is there."[/B][/COLOR][/INDENT]