Hiya! I'd love it if you could please make something for me <3 Please let me know if the images aren't good enough or are simply unsuitable. Thanks! [i]Graphic Type[/i] — Set [i]Stock Image[/i] — [url]http://images.movieplayer.it/images/2016/03/31/tom_hiddleston_loki_20130704_1731834855.jpg[/url] ~ Signature [url]http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m96odfZUvr1r8dzo2o1_500.jpg[/url] ~ Avatar [i]Size[/i] — Default for both, please! [i]Text[/i] - "I see what's mine and take it" ~ for the signature, and the avatar plain, please. [i]Other[/i] — Could you please add a watermark? I prefer them to text under an image :) Also, Loki is all about the green and gold, so if those could be the main colors, I'd be super happy! [@Rockette]