OBS: sorry for doubled letters and other typing mistakes. My keyboard is dying T__T i'm still finding and correcting some of them Name: Einar Age: 18 Gender: Male Race: Viera [hider=Race Information] The viera have leporine features, including long ears and supple limbs. They generally wear stilettos, possibly due to the shape of their feet, although there have been exceptions. Viera have superb eyesight: it is said that they can spot their prey from as far as 10 km (6.22 miles). Their sense of hearing allows them to hear even the slightest sound, which comes in handy if they are being hunted themselves. It is said that the viera's superb hearing allows them to sense changes in the weather and the movement of all living things in the woods they inhabit. Their lifespan is roughly three times that of humes. They grow much like humes as children, but upon reaching adulthood the viera retain their appearance until old age. All vieras are weak to earth based attacks. The viera are sensitive to Mist (Magic) –if they are exposed to high concentrations of it, they will enter a berserk state referred to as a Mist frenzy. When experiencing a Mist frenzy, a viera can tear apart metal shackles and kill armored humes with unarmed blows. Being very sensitive to magic makes them able to sense the magic flow within an area and people making them able to basically "predict" when a monster or enemy will use magic, and which kind of magic and evade. Vieras are also naturally resistant to sleep and restraining type magics. Not only do the viera's ears allow them to hear over great distances, they also allow them to listen to the voices of the spirit world. They can put this ability to great use, to communicate with the world around them. Besides that, their affinity with the spirit world makes them able to suppress their "aura" and basically take the looks of a regular human (although its considered a taboo on viera standards and very shameful to one to compare himself to humans). Furthermore, the viera have approximately three times the lifespan of humes. [img]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/finalfantasy/images/6/6d/Ffta-viera.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20061218231306[/img] [/hider] [hider=Appearance] [img]http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img-thing?.out=jpg&size=l&tid=12640226[/img] [img]http://orig15.deviantart.net/61a2/f/2006/345/b/2/the_viera_v__jal_by_lokai2000.jpg[/img] Blonde, shoulder lenght slightly wavy hair, white ears with a black spot on its base covering 35% of them. Tall and slender frame, common to the viera race, around 1,98m, very agile, strong legs and body, as his function was to be a hunter and often had to carry heavy preys or hurt Hunters [/hider] [hider=Backstory] Heinar, the only blonde viera in its village, since all vieras have silver hair, he was treated with certain prejudice. His name reflects this: Einar - The one who fights alone. Living in a rigorous, disciplined settlement, he always did what he was told to do in a cold, calculist way. His only reliefs were hearing stories from the outside world from the merchants who visited them from time to time and invoking spirits and talking with the forest. After hearing those stories so many times, he grew very, very tired of the life he was living, but the vieras were prohibited from leaving their forest. Even knowing that if he stepped outside the forest he would be banished from his settlement, when he completed 18, he ran away. [/hider] [hider=Bio] Male vieras live in separate settlements from female ones, and they are very competitive regarding food and territory. Due to that every male viera is trained since child to a specific job. Most of the other people from the settlement were in charge of one or two functions, in order to not overburden them. Einar was trained to be a Tracker/Hunter, physician and poisoner, his function was to be a hunter and a medic in case if something went bad, the most dangerous functions, as he was seen as "disposable". He is very cordial and educated. Innitialy, Einar may appear distant and reserved to those who dont know him, but to friends he is very kind and open. He is proud of being a viera, and is not ashamed of showing his true form (he understands that he needs to keep secret to humans) He loves knowledge and is a little shy with girls and doesn't know how to treat them (mostly being formal and a little distant), due to the fact that he always lived amongst males. He is a very calm person, requiring a great deal of effort to make him mad, but when he does he gets really furious. Due to reflexes from his rigid education, He Still mantain a couple of herbs planted in his room (medicinal and poisons) and once per day tends to his equipments, a bow made of wood and anima horns, engraved with beautiful spiraling patterns and a slender and beautiful curved dagger with an ampole inside that can be filled with medicine or poison, and with the pressing of a button makes it flow from grooves. [/hider] [hider=Additional Info] He is very skilled with small blades, bows and throwing blades (He carries a set of 15 strapped on his legs, short, about 5cm. he also uses those to help in healing others, stitching wounds etc.). his soft paws make him almost impossible to hear when moving. His claws, although not his primary weapon, can inflict great damage, especialy with his knowledge of the humanoid body. Being able to communicate with the spirit world means that he can effectively "talk" with the nature, and ask for elemental protection to an extent. [/hider]