[quote=@Dynamo Frokane] I dont know If Ive ever met a left libertarian, most of the ones that I see are fairly right wing, which falls in line with stefan molynuex's conservative crap. [/quote] Because the left is an overly complicated stew of political ideologies that most people don't keep straight. Most Left Libertarians probably call themselves Communists or Anarchists. Most Communists I've met IRL were basically just left libertarians or Anarchists, since Americans shy away from the entire single-party dictatorship thing. The majority of the far left want to establish communism, in that they want to create a stateless and classless society. Some will use Marx as an example, but I know many people use Star Trek as their explanation of what Communism is. So in a sense, the entire far left is communist. But pop culture uses "Communism" to specifically to describe societies that try to build communism through a powerful single party state. A left libertarian or an anarchist would be a person who wants to build communism, but believes that a powerful vanguard party a la the Soviet model will inevitably become State Capitalism abusing the proletariat. So a left libertarian is someone who wants to start the process of implementing Communism without making deals, no "You'll be a slave to the state 100 years and then that will make communism happen somehow." And there are hundreds of different ideas about how that can be done. And yeh, An-Caps aren't anarchists. There is a far out type of liberal economist who gets paid by billionaires to obfuscate economics realities. An-Caps are the people who grab on to those theories and believe them.