[color=plum][h3]Viviana "Vivii" Corey James[/h3][/color] [b]26 - Female Lycanthrope - Pack Female Animal Care Taker / Veterinarian[/b] [b]Physical Appearance[/b]: [hider=Vivii][img]http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f11/krosscowgirl/Characters/Beautiful-Swedish-Blonde-Model-Elsa-Hosk-Modeling-For-Elle-Sweden-Fashion-Editorials-Modeling-As-One-Of-The-Highest-Paid-Mod_zpsj9wff9go.jpg[/img] Vivii's wild blond locks make her appear as if she is headed to the beach even when she's never been there. They hang loose and wavy nearly all the time, surrounding her well structured face. Her face is what most people find stunning, her skin is smooth and a brisk tan with a smattering of freckles across her cheekbones and her thin small nose. Her eyes are a warm summer shade of pale blueish green not entirely unlike the color of a tropical ocean. Vivii is slightly taller than most American women standing around five foot eight perhaps five nine with regular shoes on. Her body is lean and toned, muscles all lightly defined from a life of being in the outdoors.[/hider] [hider=Vivvi - Lupine][img]http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f11/krosscowgirl/Characters/proud_timberwolf_by_bluesgrass-d5wt3kj_zpsm2ewdu6p.jpg[/img] Vivii is quite unusual in her color, she is often questioned heavily about her bloodlines when people see her lupine form. She is quite small at just 35" at the shoulder and around 130 pounds. She is lithe and delicate looking, particularly in summer when her coat is in.[/hider] [b]Personality[/b]: Vivii is a an odd creature, anxious but fiercely loyal and not easily deterred from her goals. She loves the few friends that she does keep but she is kind of an introvert. She loves to spend time reading and with animals but large groups of people are simply not her thing. She's very forgiving and easy to get along with and can be quite charming without realizing what she's doing. [b]History[/b]: Vivii is one of 3 children having two older brothers. Being the baby she was just that, babied by her mother, Fortune, who raised her alone in the wilderness. Their father left not long after Fortune found out she was pregnant with Vivii. While her mother and brothers all have dark hair and dark eyes Vivii was always been the odd one out, her coat coloring made her an outcast even among her own family. She was eventually cast out as a small pup, reminding her mother too much of her fair haired father. She was eventually collected by an elf couple who could not have children of their own after wandering in the forest alone. Wren and Falcon finished raising Viviana, loving her as her birth mother never had. They raised many animals, teaching her how to care for each of them. Their village was known for the quality animals that they bred, her parents known for their big draft horses. [b]Requested Items[/b]: Pack saddles, Bridles, leather smithing tools, leathers, medical supplies, her Infer named Chip. [b]Pertinent Skills[/b]: Veterinary skills, animal knowledge