[Hider= #123: Boomi] [b]Name:[/b] Subject #123: Boomi [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/02/ed/e5/02ede560871e8c2803f484d8ee839311.jpg[/img] [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Height/Weight:[/b] 5'6" - 120lbs [b]Personality:[/b] Always seen with a smile across her face, Boomi acts rather childish at her age. She's loud, obnoxious, and a total goofball. Her mouth often spouts strange things and she tends to blabber on and on about nothing important in general. She hates being alone, always sticking to people like a leech; Boomi feeds off of social contact. While she may act this way a majority of the time, she can be serious and mature when needed. Think of her as the little sister type. Aside from her charming personality, she is also very open and extremely emotional. Be careful what you say to her because Boomi easily takes things to heart and her tears often come quickly. [b]Powers/Weaknesses:[/b] She has the ability to shape-shift into animals, but can only morph into them if she's seen them before in real life. Meaning if she hasn't gone to an actual zoo and seen a lion, she can't just think of a lion or see a picture then suddenly have the ability to turn into one. Boomi has to see them with her own eyes. After holding more complicated forms such as larger animals like elephants and sharks, she tends to get fatigued and dizzy. In some extreme cases, Boomi can completely lose consciousness and pass out. [b]Other:[/b] ***Boomi is actually a [u][b]boy[/b][/u], but looks female. Often being mistaken for a girl, he has ended up accepting female terms in referal to 'him'. So accustomed to the confusion, she has stopped bothering to correct people and allows others to think what they wish. [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fY6etOau_BE&list=FLUipj6JEBz5KEgfI9Xb1wvw&index=2]Rubber Ducky Song[/url] [/hider]