Name: Alexander Grey. Nickname: Lex. Age: 2191, looks to be in his mid twenties... most of the time. Type: Vampire Affiliation: Supernatural whom works with the scientists Appearance: [hider=Lex][img][/img][/hider] Personality: Lex is old... and it shows in his personality frequently. He does not enjoy being told what to do, especially by humans. If he does, then he has ulterior motives. If he's smiling, the man is either plotting or his plan already came into fruition. He does find humans to be quite entertaining though. When in a good mood, Lex hums a tune and behaves sarcastically. When he is angered, he does not speak and keeps a scowl pasted on his face. Normally, he looks approachable, but he blames that on his looks, especially his eyes that were designed to draw his prey in. However, he is not interested in the company of many. His decision to side with the scientists is solely based on him losing less of his freedom while with them. They allow him to hunt without fear of being captured to become some kind of perfume or body wash, while at the same time he gets to taste the blood of creatures he would consider a rare delicacy. All this and all he has to do is take a few orders and resist killing some of his prey. Lex sees this as a good deal. History: Lex was not born into a wealthy family of blood suckersugar, nor was he changed in order to fight wars against opposing werewolves. His story was simple. A young boy born into a dysfunctional street performer family. His father's trade was one of entertainment. His family had roamed for generations bringing mysticism and fancy tricks to the watchful eyes of many who passed through the streets. Lex was the elder of his siblings and the first to perform alongside his mother, father, and uncles. Lex had loved to travel and perform alongside his family until the day something wandered into the tents his family had set up outside of towns to sleep in. This creature, this thing, murdered those in the tent with lightning speed and tremendous strength. It fed on Lex's family easily in between killing it's next victim. When Lex had been clutched by the pale long haired creature, he was fed upon. As Lex said a prayer within his mind, the creature was impaled by a spear. Lex fell to the ground, only to see the monster escape into the night. It turns out that a guard had heard the screaming and ran over to aid the family. Sadly only Lex and his younger siblings were the only survivors. It wasn't until a few days later that Lex found something odd. The sun had become harsh against his skin and no matter what he ate or drank he felt weak. He assumed he had contracted a deadly sickness and had planned to seek out a physician the next day. In the dead of that night, Lex woke with more energy than he had ever mustered in his life. His eyes shot open as his bones ached. Even in his mouth. He yelled in agony, alerting his siblings to come render aid to their brother as best as they could. Lex didn't even hesitate as he grabbed the smallest of the children and tore open her neck with his newly grown fangs. Unable to control himself, he slaughtered the rest of his family and ran as far as he could go. After a year of being a monster, Lex ran into a beautiful female vampire named Rose. She had been a vampire a lot longer than he had, and learned much from her for a decade. One day, he brutally dismembered her upon the discovery of her involvement in him being changed. It was something she had hid deep in her mind... at least until he discovered could peer into the woman's mind. It was not a common gift learned so early. Even with learning more about his change and how it could benefit him if he controlled it, he sought the afterlife. Lex stood up all night and awaited the sun. He had hopes it would destroy him. He deserved a slow and painful death. As dawn broke, he felt the sun tingle against his skin. The tingle became an irritation, the irritation became a stinging pain, and the stinging pain eventually became his hell on earth. The man screamed out as the sun burned him alive. He cried tears of blood until the pain suddenly subsided. He felt something wet touch his raw flesh as the pain kept him from opening his eyes. He assumed it was his blood, until he heard a loud boom coming from the sky. Rain. After that day, Lex felt he had been redeemed by a power higher than himself. He no longer wished to die, but instead live. Weeks later he discovered his second gift to fool the hearts and minds of man. Lex acquired wealth, lovers, and vast knowledge in his years as he continued to travel like his family would have wanted. Time made the man cold, but it also gave him infinite opportunities. He delved in different trades and professions as well as kept up with society. His presence grand yet subtle to history. He became the greatest of predators as he felt the most dangerous would be the one you would never expect. He was a friend, a husband, a farmer, a lord, a soldier, a neighbor, a priest, a stepfather, a doctor, an employee, a counselor, even a CEO to one of the largest biological research facility today. Lex could simply feed off of the supply of blood from his company... it defeats the purpose of being a predator though. Lex partnered with the scientists and revealed what he was in an attempt to win over their trust up front. It was risky, but it had been worth it. Abilities: [B]Enhanced Conditioning[/b] - Lex may appear to be human, but his physical feats separate himself from his prey. His strength, speed, reflexes, and even senses are made to dominate his prey and rival predators that he crosses paths with. At a full sprint, Lex can top off at close to one hundred miles per hour. Being a sprint, his maximum speed is only held for a few seconds at the best of circumstances. As far as his strength, he can toss a grown man across a city street without much effort. He also uses his strength to jump and leap inhuman distances. Lex's senses are extremely keen and over his long life, he has learned to focus and control them with ease. His senses are his money maker as he relies on them the most. Last but not least, Lex's endurance is formidable and his healing factor also plays a part as he can recover rather quickly from conventional wounds. If he's wounded by something special, then he'll definitely be out of the way for a few days. These capabilities rely heavily on his diet. [B]Illusions via Hypnotism[/b] - This ability allows Lex to cast illusions from his hypnotizing and luring eyes. Speaking to the person in a soft tone strengthens the hypnosis. Lex cannot control his targets, but he can influence them. He can make them lower their guard by making them feel comfortable, make them feel tired or sleepy, make them feel more fear than they normally would. He chooses what emotional vector he wants to target based on his reading of an individual. As far as the illusions go, Lex can create a very convincing illusion by altering a person's perception of reality rather slowly and subtly so his target wounds up believing the wildest of things have come true. He also session this ability to retreat when needed. [B]Telepathy[/b] - Lex can only communicate with and read other minds (only thoughts that are written IC). This is enough for him as it gives him details on his prey that he can assess with his keen senses. He as long uses this ability to throw off targets in tandem to the illusions. Weakness/Weaknesses: Lex is very sensitive to direct sunlight. It won't burst him into flames, but it does feel like it could if he gave it enough time. Lex is very susceptible to helping others to reach a higher goal, due to this, he may temporarily help his enemies so they can in turn help him. This could get him killed later on by the very ones he helps or by his allies who may deem him a traitor. If Lex goes too long without feeding, he will begin to lose his a bit of his sanity to his thirst for blood. Animal blood is like going vegetarian and does not give him the energy to be at his prime, while some species of supernatural can strengthen him far more than human blood. Lex is as sensitive to silver as he is the sun. Silver is like poison and enough of it can kill him. Blood itself can be a weakness if used correctly. Lex can be lured out if he is tempted by the right kind of blood. Other: Enjoys meeting other supernatural beings out of both curiosity and to know what they may taste like. He can't recall how many times he's been married. Lex is uncomfortable with traveling the open sea. He does not think because myth says he can't, but feels like it is unsafe for him. Also has a love for music.