[hider=Eddie]Name: Edgar Dalton Age: 13 Appearance: [img]http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m6gej6dDHT1rrdn6w.gif[/img] House: Wand: Personality: Eddie is constantly grateful for everything he has, having had nothing for most of his life he appreciates the smallest things like regular meals. He is very hard working, once he decides he wants something he will do anything to achieve his goals and considers his acceptance into Hogwarts his one chance to better his life, a chance he will not blow. He's new to the wizarding world and just about everything is exciting for him and he is enthusiastic about the chance to learn all he can. He's outgoing and friendly, Eddie likes people, he likes to talk and is very loyal to those he considers a friend. He's usually willing to give people another chance and doesn't usually hold a grudge against others. He doesn't like to see others being mistreated and instinctively steps in when other muggle-borns are being picked on, usually against his own self-interests. Eddie is also impulsive with a bit of a temper especially when he sees something he feels is wrong. He puts a lot of pressure on himself to do better and to be better and often needs to be reminded to relax or to have fun. Although he is a good person he has no problem breaking rules, he is used to lying, swindling, and stealing to survive and those actions have become hard habits to break though he like to think he would never betray someone he considers a friend. His greatest fears are failure and loneliness. Bio: Eddie was the first and only child born to poor farmers near London. His mother died shortly after he was born from complications related to childbirth and while his father constantly worked hard they never had enough of anything. He did all he could from a young age to help out but as a young child there wasn't much he could do. His father died eight years later from some sort of plague leaving a young Eddie to care for himself. Too young work a farm and without knowing another other family to help take care of him he made his way to London. He frequently lived in the streets and stayed in the occasional church when they would have him. He would do whatever honest work he could find for various churches but due to the strange occurrences that followed him, he was constantly terrified that he was a wizard and that the church would find out. Work for a child of his age was rare and he survived mostly through theft and begging. He lived a hard life, constantly afraid of being accused of being in league with the devil. There were times where he willed doors to unlock, made food appear out of nowhere or changed other items into food, and once he tossed a grown man across a room without laying a finger on him. Always these things happened in times of necessity, helping him to survive while convincing him that there was something wrong with him, something unnatural or evil. Just before his eleventh birthday he received a letter from an owl. He was alone in an alleyway enjoying a few mouthfuls of stolen bread when a large owl dropped a letter in his lap and perched near him. One of his strongest memories is how right that moment felt, how comfortable the strange owls presence felt and while the letter seemed outlandish he instinctively knew it was all true. He, Edgar Dalton, was a wizard and had been chosen to attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He knew in mere moments that he would do anything to go to this school, it had to at least be better than living on the streets. He followed the instructions in his letter with precision and spent the summer working in Diagon Alley at Flourish and Blotts. His boss was a kindly old wizard who gave him a room to stay in, enough food to survive and a small wage in exchange for hard work in the shop and household chores. It took a lot of begging and convincing from Eddie to get the job, as a muggle born and untrained child wizard wasn't the most desirable employee, but he eventually wore the kindly old man down. Eddie was very grateful and hard working, he saved up enough to by his school supplies over the summer and studied the books in the shop in his free time. Although Eddie had no real schooling he managed to keep up well enough in his first year classes. He studied and worked hard to keep up with all the others who had the advantage of being born into wizard families. Hogwarts was the first place in years that really felt like a home to him. He loved the castle, the learning and was captivated by the magic. He counts himself extraordinarily lucky to have been accepted into Hogwarts, to finally understand why he was strange and to learn that he wasn't unnatural but exceptional. He managed to scrape by in his first year and went back to his job at Flourish and Blotts during the summer, where he worked and continued to study so that he did well, not outstanding, but better than average. Potions, Combat and Herbology are his strongest subjects and he is very excited to start Care of Magical Creatures this year as Eddie is fascinated by the wizarding world and it's creatures. He struggles with Astronomy and History though he really struggled with flight in his first year he is getting much better at handling a broom. He's does alright with Charms and Transfigurations but still has some trouble with wandwork and incantations. He enthusiastically enjoys all his classes though and works hard to get better. He spent his most recent summer brushing up on his skills and hopes to do a lot better in school during his third year. He has had trouble with making friends and being around the pureblood wizards. As a muggle-born he experiances a good amount of hate from other students and he tries to let it go when he can but his temper usually gets the better of him. He spends a fair amount of time in detentions from fights and constantly sticks up for his fellow muggle-borns. Plotting: With his background, being both very poor and a muggle-born, a lot of students dislike or even hate him. Being the sort who doesn't take crap, especially from snobby upper crust types, he frequently gets into fights with those who have more skill and experience than he does. He desperately wants to become something better than what he is, to make his name worth something and is willing to do almost anything to achieve his goals. Family: As far as he knows his parents were poor muggle farmers, his mother died shortly after his birth and his father died when he was eight. He spent two years alone and relying on only himself before getting his Hogwarts letter. He ended up working for an older wizard at Flourish and Blotts who has treated him well and is like a mentor like figure for Eddie. The old man is the closest thing he has to family. He also considers his pet barn owl, Owlbert, to be a part of his family.[/hider]