[center][h2][b][color=f7976a]Vamyr Turambar[/color][/b][/h2][/center] [hr] Vamyr's head jerked when he heard the elf call out from the floor below, and again when splinters of wood and a [i]man[/i] came flying past to crash into the living dead making their way up the stairs. The sound of splintering wood became obvious through the door, but he was trapped, stuck between the dead on their way up and the one in his room. He nodded in relief as the dwarf passed by and engaged the others in the hall, decimating the corpse of a dog in a strike. Vamyr jerked again as the hunter started using the crack between the door and frame as leverage. The dwarf made short work of the innkeeper and daughter's bodies by the time the halfling showed her face. He was possibly one of the few there that had the time to spot the fight Ofnir had to put up just to make the fire burn. That put far more gravity to the situation than even the dead warranted. [color=f7976a]”Keep in sight of eachother! We don't know what killed them!”[/color] Vamyr strained to hold the door, struggling to keep it closed against the increasing leverage from the other side, until Ofnir and Ellaryn came to his aid. With a single nod Vamyr let go of the handle and jumped to the side of the door in one motion, avoiding the blade that stabbed out where he had been bracing a moment before. He backed away from the fighting and grabbed his pack, hastily pulling clothing from under the top straps and yanking it on. It was freezing, and he had been standing around in linens for the last few minutes. He could feel goosebumps raising... and he wasn't willing to try and warm up over the corpses of their latest adversaries. Vamyr didn't bother to mess with his armor, just quickly grabbing his shirt and pants to pull on before belting his sword overtop. The man was finishing his shoelaces when a thought froze him. [color=f7976a]”The horses!”[/color] Vamyr heaved his pack onto his back and ran towards the stairway. [color=f7976a]”Thurin! Aelin! What of our mounts?”[/color]