Morgen kept pace with his sister easily enough, hoping his own... somewhat confident movements would lend her some courage. He knew that she was afraid of being memorable, she was [i]always[/i] afraid of that. In the beginning, when they had first run away, he had been the one fearful, always asking his sister what if they got caught, what if they found them? As the days turned to weeks, and weeks to months, and months into almost two years, he had slowly but surely lost that fear. The Miraculum were a large group, and surely they didn't have the time for a couple of kids who happened to bail late one night. They likely had runaways fairly often, and he doubted they cared enough to spend the time or resources on tracking down every last deserter. It was the Bloodhounds that worried him more, and their notorious reputation for being rather merciless. They wouldn't see a couple of kids; they'd see targets for elimination. He took some solace in the fact that the hunters tended to target [i]real[/i] threats: mutations in the Wastelands, cells of the Miraculum, Enchanters or Conduits who were actually wreaking havoc. All he and his sister wanted was to get back home. The barkeep narrowed her eyes down at Morwen; apparently even the sight of coin did not lessen her suspicion. "Whar'd ye steal this from, then?" It must have been a rhetorical question, because one hand darted out with rattlesnake speed to snatch up the coinpurse. She dumped the contents carelessly on the counter top and scrutinized the cores. "Three fer a room," She said, matter-of-fact, and pinned three of the poorly-milled coins down with ink-stained fingertips. She didn't replace the rest of the coins in the pouch, leaving that to Morwen... but at least, hard as the woman seemed, she wasn't about to rip off a couple of kids. She was honest. Morgen gave his sister's hand a reassuring squeeze. His eyes were open again, but his head was still bowed, sightless gaze downcast. They'd get away from this old buzzard and into a nice room. Even if it wasn't [i]really[/i] all that nice, any room was nicer than having to spend another night out in the Wastelands.