[h3]Hellsalem’s Lot - Shotaro and Philip[/h3] [color=mediumpurple]”Oi, oi. There’s a stall just over there, getting lost out there should be impossible,”[/color] Shotaro said confidently. [color=mediumpurple]”A map shouldn’t cost too much anyway, especially if I’m getting it off a street stall. I’d take that over one of those GPS maps any day.”[/color] He grabbed his coffee and stood up, excusing himself to head to the stall. Philip shook his head over Shotaro’s preferences and took another short sip of his drink. [color=lightgreen]”Technically speaking, a smartphone’s map app should be far more helpful than a physical map,”[/color] he noted, [color=lightgreen]”They update themselves constantly as far as I understand, but Shotaro insists on being as old-fashioned as possible. You have a point, though, we should be as honest as possible about each other.”[/color] He looked at Satori with a mildly amused grin and added, [color=lightgreen]”Even if [i]you[/i] can literally read right through us.”[/color] He reached behind himself and then placed [url=http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/kamenrider/images/f/f9/Cyclone-Memory.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/78?cb=20150211232054]three[/url] [url=http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/kamenrider/images/0/00/Heat_Memory.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/65?cb=20150211232055]odd[/url] [url=http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/kamenrider/images/d/dd/Luna_Memory.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/65?cb=20150211232056]USB-like devices[/url] on the table. [color=lightgreen]”We mentioned that Shotaro and I transform into a single Kamen Rider, and these are some of the means we use to accomplish it. They’re called Gaia Memories.”[/color] He picked the Cyclone memory up and pressed the button on it, causing it to state [b]”CYCLONE”[/b] appropriately enough. [color=lightgreen]”They possess the memories of the Earth. Under normal circumstances, you press them into yourselves to cause a transformation. These are different, however, and require a special device to use. Shotaro’s holding onto it right now, so I might have to wait for him to come back to properly explain it.”[/color]