[center]Morning brings with it daily routine. Both hop into separate showers, dressing in their best clothes before heading for the front door. Kieran is at least awake enough to halt Ryanair’s half-awaked walking. It was only seven and yet the sun was already up, the carriage the pulled up was a welcomed relief. Moving forward and slipping inside the darkened carriage, he glanced over when Ryanair slipped into the seat beside him. Knowing that they'd be stuck within the smell compartment for an hour at the most, Kieran reached for his fledgling and guided him until he was flat on his back. Glassy emerald eyes blinked up at him quizzically, Kieran offered no response as the carriage lurched into notion. He simply began to card his fingers through drying blonde hair, Ryanair humming softly at the continuous motion. Soon he was asleep again, his head resting comfortably in Kieran’s lap. By the time they arrived at the Myanmar mansion, both sire and fledgling had managed to sleep for a few moments. Upon exiting the carriage both were led forward by a maid, neither saying a word as they followed. They came to a stop at a familiar set of oak doors, the maid bowing her head before turning on her heel and walking down the corridor. With a sigh Kieran opened the doors and stepped inside. The weight of someone latching onto his left arm has him tensing, the over-priced perfume that fills his nose has him shuddering. Lady Esther giggles happy and presses herself against Kieran, Ryanair looks away and rolls his eyes. “Good morning Lady Esther.” He offers in greeting, subtly moving out of the grip the woman had in him. Ryanair kept a smirk off his face as Lady Esther frowned, their host sighed and turned to lead them further into the room. It was well carpeted and had a fire going in its stone fireplace, Kieran and Ryanair moving forward hesitantly. Cups of tea were sitting on the mohagany table before them, steam wafting lazily into the air. Both vampires took a seat and watched as Lady Esther took her cup, before lifting their own. Now, how long would she last? Ryanair thought with a blink of his eyes. Kieran remained quiet but took a sip of his tea, the young heiress taking a sip of her own tea. She'd been silent for thirty seconds so far, a new record if Ryanair remembered correctly. “So, shall we begin?” Her tone is overly sweet, Ryanair taking a sip of his tea to keep his mouth busy. Kieran nodded and set his cup down, his hands folding across his crossed knees. It was time for business then, Ryanair set his own cup down and leaned back against the cushions. “Yes, let's begin then.” Kieran responded with a tilt of his head. He'd rather finish this before it took up the rest of his day, he had other plans and don't want to waste time.[/center]