[center][h1][color=D22626]L O R D P A R A M O U N T [b]R I A O N “ T H E S H A R K ” T U L L Y[/b][/color][/h1] [img]http://40.media.tumblr.com/9417f0a6ab8f14ec1c35014e4b9de778/tumblr_mezk0dBnAg1qfv8ako1_400.jpg[/img] [color=7e6e75]30[color=D22626] ♦[/color] Lord of Riverrun [color=D22626]♦[/color] Lord Paramount of The Trident[/color][/center] [color=D22626][sub][ ߜ ] P E R S O N A L I T Y[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=7e6e75]Riaon abides by the laws of Knighthood [i]and[/i] Lordship, reflecting on his education as a squire and heir to House Tully’s stronghold and lands. However, as learned as Riaon is he is far more irascible than his father before him which is evident by the lively temperament that lies beneath his “armor” of manners, respect, and learning. As such had earned him childhood nicknames by his sister as well as his father’s own concerns about Riaon’s abilities to focus through hardship or obstacle. Despite such beliefs ringing true about Riaon’s anger and reactions that follow, Riaon utilizes his fury well in combat scenarios— for example, whilst other knights are [i]blinded[/i] by their rage on the battlefield Riaon knows how to direct it to power through difficult opponents; claiming his anger and zeal gives himself “clarity” not “disability”. His anger aside, Riaon proves to be a skilled knight although his capacity as a commander has yet to be seen due to the lack of a large scale war striking the Riverlands. Though given his experience, confidence, and aura it wouldn’t be a far stretch to believe that Riaon has the [i]potential[/i] to be a capable commander. With that said there lies more personality faults in the line with v, believing delicacies and “dancing with words” to be pointless he tends to take a more blunt and direct approach with words which can result in various consequences depending on the situation. Still though, v won’t be outwardly rude as he not only knows etiquette but also doesn’t believe belittling others proves much use on or off the battlefield; after all he had fought with squires and smallfolk alike during his dealings with the Ironborn which had weathered whatever snobbish preconceptions he had gained due to his upbringing as one of the lower nobility. Whilst he isn’t condescending towards those that would be seen as lesser towards him, Riaon [i]is[/i] proud of his station and his ancestry. Going back to the only academics he ever cared for, Ancient History, Riaon identifies as Riverlander (or Riverman) and finds trouble enjoying the fact Southern and Northern lords have claimed ownership of his people for centuries; a fact he considered culturally suffocating. His discontent includes that of anyone that abused his ancestors whether they were descended from Valyrian, Ironborn, or whoever. He finds it infuriating that the men of the Rivers have not truly ruled themselves in such a long time.[/color][/indent] [color=D22626][sub][ ߜ ] A T T R I B U T E S[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=7e6e75][b]Crude Politician[/b] Despite being the son of a Lord, Riaon’s aptitude for intrigue and diplomacy are average at best. This can be due to his guardian’s focus on training him as a knight and the only intellectual studies Riaon cares for being historical and military in nature. [b]Cultural Pride[/b] For various reasons Riaon is partial to being mildly xenophobic due to a strong sense of cultural pride and identity. He dislikes those descended from Ironborn and Valyrian descent the most and is more prone to ignore their opinions or be irritated by their presence causing his perception to be muddied. [b]Experienced Knight[/b] Despite his young age, through his efforts as Knight-Captain and his experiences, Riaon is a skilled knight though to what capacity in comparison to others is unknown. Due to this he is competent with swordplay, horses, basic tactics, and so forth. [b]Resilient[/b] Riaon has a strong mind and body despite any emotional problems he may have. He can be tricked, but is generally set in being able to withstand with his values and direction; his body has been trained to withstand the weight of armor and the pains of war. [b]Temperament[/b] Despite his resilience, Riaon has a bad habit of letting his anger and zealous nature to guide his actions and it is said that getting him in this sort of mood is not difficult.[/color][/indent] [color=D22626][sub][ ߜ ] B I O G R A P H Y[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=7e6e75]Riaon Tully is the son of Lord Draedon Tully and Lady Lysandra Vypren, birthed around 420 AC. Riaon’s father arranged for his son’s (and his daughter, Cathryn’s as well) guardianship under Ser Damon Paege; hoping that his son would gather wisdom underneath the renowned knight and tactician. This however was poorly timed as it was only a few years before the horns of the uprising of Romarn Mudd rung out. Still, the nearly fourteen-year old ward followed his guardian without question. In time and through dutiful service as a squire, Damon was risen to knighthood for his diligence during events of the uprising as well as combat experiences that were to follow— particularly in a devastating reaving of Seagard. This had been his first real experience with the Ironborn outside of the texts that Riaon had read throughout his childhood upon his education regarding the history of the lands of the Trident and the Ironborn’s tyrannical reach that only ended when Valyrians dawned upon Westeros atop dragons. Perhaps it was Riaon’s anger or zeal that made him fight hardily against the Ironborn that descended upon Seagard, but in the end he was recognized of his worth in battle beyond the simple capacities of a squire. A fact that House Mallister’s lord noted about the young man. But the problems against the Ironborn were far from over, a fact that was clear as Riaon looked west beyond the sea. On one such occasion, his sickly father requested his presence for an “important matter”— a matter that would be the courting of his future wife, Trysta Erenford. A courting that seemed to be successful in strengthening the bonds between Erenford and Tully, and Trysta and Riaon. Perhaps it was the comfort of returning home, the childhood attraction they held, or the tension lightening after the end of the fighting he had been dealing with but Riaon felt at ease, at least for a time. Following his betrothal, staying in Riverrun seemed to be of an interest to him, and one he eventually felt compelled to maintain. He was home. Years later, following the resignation of the former Guard Captain & Commander of Riverrun it came to the point where Riaon had requested a more active responsibility and instead of hiring a new Knight-Captain, his father’s council opted to promote Riaon himself to the role. After accepting the responsibility, he found himself avidly attempting to clean out Riverrun with this authority upon the discovery of a criminal cartel in the city that attempted to use Riaon’s “inexperience” to expand their operations. However, this did not go well when Riaon responded back with vicious measures that would earn him the title of “the Shark of Riverrun”, a title he ignored as he continued to choke down crime in his city. Some years ago, Riaon’s wife, Trysta Erenford fell victim to an incident that would cause her early death— fellow individuals in Riverrun noted that Trysta was sick and with child and had always been a “meek” child in her youth. Her death was ruled as the product of the illness and her weak body; taking with her the unborn child of her and Riaon’s marriage. This burdened Riaon much considering this was the same illness that had been plaguing his father and many others in Riverrun. Riaon didn’t immediately remarry and coped in solitude for some time. It has been some years since… and now his father has passed and it is Riaon who sits as Lord Paramount of The Trident.[/color][/indent] [color=D22626][sub][ ߜ ] R E L A T I O N S[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=7e6e75]The main dynasty of the Tully’s descends back to [b]Edmure Tully[/b] and as such represents the heirs of The Riverlands through his descendent, [b]Draedon Tully[/b]. This includes Braedon’s widow as well as all eight children he conceived. [hider=S I B L I N G S] [hider=Lady Laerra Stark][center][color=D22626][h2]Laerra Stark[/h2] [b]NE. Tully[/b][/color] [color=7e6e75]38[color=D22626] ♦[/color] Lady of the Riverlands & the North [color=D22626]♦[/color] Alive[/color][/center] [color=D22626][sub][ ߜ ] I N F O R M A T I O N[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=7e6e75]Often described in her youth as the fiercest and most unobtainable woman to bear the name Tully. Ethan Stark once described her as “more of a northerner at heart”. Before her marriage to Ethan Stark around 436 AC, Laerra Tully rebuffed several offers of courtship and deemed few men worth her time— and the few that did were ones who were expected to respect her on equal footing and not with chivalrous fantasies that reduced her to her gender. Whilst being groomed as a lady by her mother during her childhood, it is noteworthy that Laerra also took up an interest in archery after witnessing a bout at a tournament when she was eight years old— an interest that she never relented upon, even as the years started to pass. It was with this martial interest that brought a confidence to the way she began to embody. By the time she was ten and eight years past her nameday it became evident that she was one of the finest archers in Riverrun due to her constant practices and dedication to the art. Following her residence in The North and bearing five children to Ethan Stark, Laerra is said to have weathered in what was once a youthful and fiery disposition. Laerra is supposedly still quite confident and certain with her actions— a fact that has earned her responsibilities to watch over her wards and children as well as introduce and teach them the art of archery like few others could. [/color][/indent][/hider] [hider=Lady Imara Mooton][center][color=D22626][h2]Imara Mooton[/h2] [b]NE. Tully[/b][/color] [color=7e6e75]32[color=D22626] ♦[/color] Lady of the Riverlands [color=D22626]♦[/color] Alive[/color][/center] [color=D22626][sub][ ߜ ] I N F O R M A T I O N[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=7e6e75]Imara was in many ways, the complete opposite of her sister, Laerra. Courteous, patient, subservient, and affectionate are all attributes associated with Imara and her manner and she has had such attributes since she was a child as she garnered her mother’s favor and attention constantly. Where Vorian and Roderic were groomed to be commanders, knights, and lords— Imara was being groomed to be a wife, lady, and guardian. Her interests were in the physical arts such as paintings and sculptures as well as tending to flora and fauna when she was allowed. Imara was married to the heir of House Mooton when she was twenty years past her nameday and has since remained in Maidenpool since doing her duty as his wife. [/color][/indent][/hider] [hider=Lady Cathryn Tully][center][h2][color=D22626]Cathryn Tully[/color][/h2] [color=7e6e75]30[color=D22626] ♦[/color] Lady of the Riverlands [color=D22626]♦[/color] Alive[/color][/center] [color=D22626][sub][ ߜ ] I N F O R M A T I O N[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=7e6e75]Cathryn was the first of two twins to enter this world, beating her brother by several seconds. This desire to enter the world is a testament to Edwina’s drive to move forward with a headstrong will. Like her brother, Cathryn would exhibit particular talent and intelligence which were encouraged by her eldest brother, Vorian Tully. As a child, Cathryn found herself idolizing three of her siblings; Laerra, Vorian, and Roderic— a fact that may have been part of the reason for her more martially-inclined talents being groomed to be more than temporary flirtations but rather fully fleshed out skills. With her eldest sister being a remarkable archer who refused to be prissy or subservient, her eldest brother encouraging her as an equal to her brother, and her second eldest brother assuring her that a marriage prospect shouldn’t define her; there was no way that Cathryn would become an atypical daughter of a Lord Paramount with courtesies and social fragrances. Cathryn was going to become who she wanted to be on her own terms. Despite her father’s reluctance, Cathryn took to the sword with such talent that had not been seen in generations. She found other pursuits in world cultures and military history but she was not as adept in tactical intelligence as much as her twin brother, Riaon, a fact that would mean that while she was the [i]better[/i] she wasn’t truly [i]smarter[/i] than him— a fact that would show itself in several sparring duels and practices that would breed a hunger in her. A hunger that would be tested during Romarn Mudd’s uprising when he attacked Riverrun, and afterwards on the battlefield of The Trident as a young untested warrior. She was only four and ten when she killed for the first time— and she saw how people underestimated her on the field for not being the “appropriate” gender. She wasn’t sparring against her brother who saw her as an equal anymore and she would make her enemies pay for that fact. It was during these initial battles that she earned her reputation as a talented combatant, and it was one that she would continue to develop after Romarn was defeated. Cathryn would fight the few peasant revolts that came up, the occasional raid from the hills, and of course the vivacious Ironborn who intended to reap the Riverlands to their benefit. However, Cathryn has been called to King’s Landing for a new sort of duty— one that her brother, now the Lord Paramount of the Trident, was reluctant to allow. Cathryn was to be a member of the Kingsguard.[/color][/indent][/hider] [hider=Lord Tristifer Tully][center][h2][color=D22626]Tristifer Tully[/color][/h2] [color=7e6e75]26[color=D22626] ♦[/color] Lord of the Riverlands [color=D22626]♦[/color] Alive[/color][/center] [color=D22626][sub][ ߜ ] I N F O R M A T I O N[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=7e6e75]Tristifer was born in the shadow of his siblings, Cathryn & Riaon Tully, though he never seemed to think much of it. Oftentimes it is said that Tristifer [i]preferred[/i] it. After being taken under the wing of a prominent master in the royal court, it became apparent that whilst lacking the cohesive martial skills he seemed to have his own advantages in the field of academics despite no apparent genius or prodigal talent. The maester’s stories of historical and mythological nature gravitated towards Tristifer and the young boy that he was at the time couldn’t seem to get enough— he wanted to know more. Not because his siblings were proficient talents but rather because the world seemed to just make more sense with all of the facts. His interest in all of the “facts” would lead him to interests in math, science, medicine, history, and literature equally— absorbing all that he could in Riverrun as he surrounded himself by books and scholarly tools. There was a point that he considered going to King’s Landing to study at The Citadel; but such aspirations were curbed by the sudden illness of his father. [/color][/indent][/hider] [hider=Lady Alyce Tully][center][h2][color=D22626]Alyce Tully[/color][/h2] [color=7e6e75]21[color=D22626] ♦[/color] Lady of the Riverlands [color=D22626]♦[/color] Alive[/color][/center] [color=D22626][sub][ ߜ ] I N F O R M A T I O N[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=7e6e75]Alyce’s childhood was not as idyllic as her parents would’ve preferred— she was born only a few years before Romarn Mudd’s uprising and the short war that was to follow. It was due to this that the fear of war, loss, and pain surrounded the young Tully girl from the onset. Despite this Alyce refused to allow herself to think unwell and took to an optimistic and kind personality as she took to trying to lift others spirits with poetry, fables, and song. She was perhaps the kindest child sirred between Lysandra Vypren and Draedon Tully. A decade after Alyce was born tragedy began to unravel upon her life— her mother, in a state of grief that had overtaken her following the death of two sons and four brothers as well as her husband falling into a deep sickness had decided to end her life. Alyce was shocked from the weight of her mother taking her own life and initially was unsure how to handle it due to being so young. Looking for answers in the Faith of the Seven she began to find solace in the halls of the sept. This would be the catalyst of Alyce’s personal journey forward as she devoted herself to finding answers in the faith and helping others find peace in it. In the years since, nothing has much changed. Alyce is currently said to be courted by a few suitors of note. Alyce is looking forward to meeting them.[/color][/indent][/hider] [hider=Lord Maeron Tully][center][h2][color=D22626]Maeron Tully[/color][/h2] [color=7e6e75]18[color=D22626] ♦[/color] Lord of the Riverlands [color=D22626]♦[/color] Alive[/color][/center] [color=D22626][sub][ ߜ ] I N F O R M A T I O N[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=7e6e75]Maeron never really knew his parents, in fact, he’d probably tell you that he views himself more of a Stark then a Tully. This is due to the fact that, following his birth and his parents unfortunate sicknesses and demises, he was sent off to The North to be mentored under House Stark. He was barely seven years past his nameday at the time. Maeron’s childhood alongside the Stark children has groomed him towards northern values and in combination with his training in archery by the wife of Ethan Stark whom coincidentally is his eldest sister, Laerra. In many ways Maeron has become driven by protecting his friends and living by the example put down by House Stark. It is also said that he has become a competent swordsman and the afflictions of The North have become sympathetic towards Maeron— as such is evident by his exponentially increasing respect for the efforts of The Night’s Watch at The Wall. [/color][/indent][/hider] [/hider] [/color][/indent]