[center][h1][color=limegreen]Aelin[/color][/h1][/center] [hr] While his comrades were busy fighting the dead, Aelin tried to get a hold of what was going on. Honestly, he wasn't even sure why the wizard wanted him for something like this - He was no fighter. [color=limegreen][i]And that sorcerer behind all this, how much power does he hold?[/i][/color] The scent of burning flesh awoke the elf from his thoughts. [color=limegreen]"Our mounts, yes.."[/color] He followed Vamyr to the stairs. [color=limegreen]"We can always hope for the best, but their condition depends on how much of the village has been.. Tainted. We can clearly see this evil affects animals as well."[/color] He thought of the hunter's dog for a moment, and what dark magic had done to such an innocent creature. [color=limegreen][i]Sigh..[/i][/color]