Below is a basic character sheet you can use and post here, so we can keep track of characters and their abilities and such. [hider=Character Sheet][b]Name:[/b] Your character's name. [b]Age:[/b] The age of your character. [b]Sex:[/b] Their gender. [b]Hair:[/b] Color of hair? Short, long? Bald? [b]Eye:[/b] Eye color. [b]Family:[/b] Any family? Known or unknown to the character? Alive or deceased? [b]Affiliations:[/b] Bloodhound? Painbearer? Part of the Miraculum? Some other group, perhaps a band of outlaws? [b]Home:[/b] Where does your character consider home? Are they a Painbearer from Eden? Do they come from one of the Gardens? Some little dead-end village in the Wastelands? Maybe their home was destroyed by a mutant fire conduit who ravaged the land and burned it to the ground. [b]Magic:[/b] Conduit? Enchanter? Can leave NA if no magical abilities. [b]Inventory:[/b] You don't have to have every little bitty item they might have on their person, but key items that you almost always have on them. Rune-inscribed tokens? Scribe ink? A knife? A gun? [b]Combat:[/b] Does your character fight? What's his or her typical style? As an Enchanter, do they have a preferred element? As a Bloodhound, do they have a favorite weapon or are they known for being impulsive and using whatever happens to be nearby for a weapon? [b]History:[/b] A brief history of your character. You don't have to go into great depth. [b]Other:[/b] Anything else we should know about the character? Can be left NA if there's nothing more you want to add.[/hider]