[b]Name:[/b] Morgen Sawyer [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Sex:[/b] Male [b]Hair:[/b] Auburn. Couple inches long, tends to curl out as it grows. [b]Eye:[/b] Greenish, though they're discolored like fogged glass, indicating his blindness. If you're up-close in his face, you can notice the bright amber limbal rings around his eyes, rune-scribing that marks him as an Astral Conduit. [b]Family:[/b] Morgen has a twin sister named Morwen, and five younger siblings who he hasn't seen in two years. His younger siblings and parents are believed to be living back in their old home village. [b]Affiliations:[/b] He was briefly part of the Miraculum for about a year after he and his sister were taken from their home village. [b]Home:[/b] Morgen was born and raised in a small village in the far reaches of the Wastelands. The village was known for harvesting petrified wood and trading with nearby outposts, and was known as Stonework. [b]Magic:[/b] He's an Astral Conduit, though still fairly knew at it. He can easily project himself into his dog, Spot, and is comfortable and skilled at controlling her. He's also found he's able to see through Morwen's eyes at times, though like most Astral Conduits, he's unable to "control" her as she is human. He hasn't tried his hand at other animals as of the start of our story. [b]Inventory:[/b] He carries a ratty old knapsack around, but it's usually empty unless his sister finds something of use to stow away in it. He carries a canteen and a small hunting knife on his person, but otherwise nothing else of real note. The only real treasure of his is a silver coin with a crude carving of a dog on it kept on a leather cord around his neck. [b]Combat:[/b] Morgen isn't much of a fighter, considering his blindness. When forced into a combat situation, he relies on shifting to his dog, Spot, for defense of himself and his sister. Spot is a large dog with pointed ears. Despite her name, she has no spots on her body at all, and is a solid black, dark as pitch. She stands about three feet high at the shoulder, with a broad chest and a matted, bushy tail. [b]History:[/b] Morgen was born in Stonework a few short minutes after his twin sister, Morwen. They are the eldest of five other children, born to a couple of loggers who worked the petrified woods around their hometown of Stonework. Morgen and his sister were bought by the Miraculum from their parents when they were twelve. Trade was doing poorly in their hometown due to a nearby elemental mutant wreaking havoc on the forests, and their parents needed coin to support the other children. The twins fled the organization when Morwen overhead them wanting to dispose of her brother, thinking he was incapable of Astral projection when he failed to demonstrate his abilities over the course of a year. [b]Other:[/b] Morgen is completely blind and relies on his newfound abilities as a conduit and his sister to survive.