[hider=Konoha] [b][color=39b54a]Konoha [/color][/b] [img]http://orig04.deviantart.net/f3aa/f/2012/110/5/d/5db19ac8d169b7e9c7947deff573a880-d286uwx.jpg[/img] [color=39b54a]Character Quote:[/color] [i]'' I might fall but your head will fall faster'' [/i] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [color=39b54a]Character Summary [/color] [color=39b54a]Name:[/color] Matsumoto Moriko. [color=39b54a]Aliases:[/color] ( in game) The sword of a stranger. Ronin of the bamboo forest [color=39b54a]Age:[/color] 20. [color=39b54a]Birthday:[/color] 16-01-1996. [color=39b54a]Ethnicity:[/color] Japanese with a bit of scottish in her, giving her green eye's. [color=39b54a]Birth Place:[/color] Kyoto. [color=39b54a]Hometown:[/color] Kyoto. [color=39b54a]Gender:[/color]female. [color=39b54a]Highest Level of Education:[/color] student on the Kyoto city university of arts, music faculty, woodwinds. [color=39b54a]Occupation:[/color] She works in the kimono shop her parents own. [color=39b54a]Languages:[/color] Japanese, English and a bit of dutch. [color=39b54a]Beta-Tester?:[/color] no. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [color=39b54a]Appearance [/color] (beginning)[img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/e6/bd/4b/e6bd4b6b883a694b3c6002fbca12ac96.jpg[/img] (full kimono)[img]http://cdn.desktopwallpapers4.me/wallpapers/fantasy/1920x1200/2/17946-samurai-girl-1920x1200-fantasy-wallpaper.jpg[/img] [color=39b54a]Height:[/color] 1,75 M [color=39b54a]Weight:[/color] very much a secret. she is not fat nor extreamly thin. ( 70 Kilo ) [color=39b54a]Body Type:[/color] Sandglass [color=39b54a]Eye Color:[/color] green [color=39b54a]Hair Color and Style:[/color] black, long. worn in a high ponytail. [color=39b54a]Skin Tone:[/color] yellow tan [color=39b54a]Tattoos/Scars/Piercings:[/color] none [color=39b54a]Personal Style:[/color] She prefers Kimono over modern clothing. She just loves how everything feels so loos around her body, while her obi is tight around her stomach. You will Always see her wear an kimono is she is outside school. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [color=00a651][b]Psychology[/b][/color] [color=39b54a]Positive Trait * Negative Trait * Positive Trait * Negative Trait [/color] She is calm and precise - Once she is angry she will not calm down that easy. [color=39b54a]Sexuality:[/color] Bi [color=39b54a]Relationship Status:[/color] Single [color=39b54a]Personality:[/color] Moriko is a calm and assertive girl, easygoing like the bamboo bending in the direction the wind blows. She prefers to be alone, but she can appreciate the company of a few trusted friends. She can come over as untrusting to those around her, but she actually trust you very easy. Just do not betray her trust, she will mae sure you will pay for it. She is the type to think before acting, and preferst to first watch the situation unfold before her. She cares deeply for the few people she can call a friend, and will go though fire for them. She just hates to see people mistreat others infront of her. [color=39b54a]Habits:[/color] She has the habit of saying 'Yush' before beginning a task. [color=39b54a]Hobbies:[/color] playing her flute, watching Kimono. laying in the grassy field, lisening to the wind. [color=39b54a]Fears:[/color] • losing friends • Being in the dark alone • claustrophobia [color=39b54a]Likes:[/color] • Kimono • Bamboo forest • the smell of a forest after the rain has fallen • Flute music • Irish shanties • dogs [color=39b54a]Dislikes:[/color] • snails ( don't ask) • pickles • lies • fals tunes of music • foul play • sweaty americans who come to wear kimono as a tourist atraction. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b][color=39b54a]Cards on the Table[/color][/b] [color=39b54a]Mental Skills:[/color] • Musical Instrument • Acrobatics • Searching : A skill that determines the player's detection range. Allows finding monsters and players in hiding. • Meditation :Increases HP regeneration and decreases the remaining time of negative statuses by entering a mental concentration pose. •Battle Healing: Recover low amounts of HP over time during battle. It can be leveled up by constantly getting one's HP into the red zone •Straining: The ability to hear sounds from further away than normal. Higher level of skill grants the ability to hear through locked rooms [color=39b54a]Physical Skills:[/color] No more than four, and be specific! •Battoujutsu: drawing of the sword with inhuman speed after having it sheated during the fight. Does not work during the first unsheating of the sword. •Katana: allows the usage of katanas, two handed curved sword. allows the user to carry two swords on the hip. does not allow he user to wiel the two sword at the same time •Martial Arts: unlocked from a quest on the 2nd Floor which allows using Sword Skills with one's hands and feet •Fighting Spirit: a yell infused with fighting spirit will stunn the opponement. [color=39b54a]Inventory:[/color] This will need to be updated throughout the RP •basic armor • sword 41 • • • • • • • • -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b][color=39b54a]History [/color][/b] [color=39b54a]Why are you playing SwordArt Online?[/color] She wanted to escape her boring life and get a taste of a life with a sword on your side. The pressure of being the pride of he family was crushing, in a MMRPG game she found a freedom she had never tasted before. And coudln't wait until she could experiance it in VR [color=39b54a]Life Prior to Playing SwordArt:[/color] A talented flute musician. She often performed solos on traditional festivals and occasions. She also worked in her parents Kimono rental store and Kimono shop. She didn't go out very much, preferring to play her flute in the silence of a forest. [color=39b54a]Life Since Playing SwordArt:[/color] She is a soloplayer who doens't frequent the front lines that much. She has fought with some bosses but Always left after the fighting has been done. She waners throughout the floors, mostly living silently in the Woods. Avoiding danger, only fighting when she has to or is asked to do so. One time a party came to ask for her help when they had fled into her forest. They were being followd by PK'rs and they needed her help. The PK'rs were indeed out for their lives and Konoha made short notice of them, killing the leader. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [color=39b54a]Additional Information [/color] [color=39b54a]Theme Song:[/color] [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NYPeiFwIBAk[/url] [color=39b54a]Darkest Secret:[/color] She has killed a player [color=39b54a]Extra Information:[/color] I agree to follow the rules for this RP and understand that if I do not follow the rules, the GM or Co-GM may kick me out of this roleplay. [/hider] [hider=URL] [url]http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/92419-the-world-of-blood-compact-accepting/ic?page=9#post-3762163 [/url] [/hider]