“Oh! Oh right!” Morwen sat up and tapped her forehead, “Sorry, I...I didn’t even consider that. Sorry.” She rose from the bed to stand by her brother. The air was still sticky. Morwen could almost feel the electricity in the air, the rain would come in a matter of hours. The elder twin looked to her brother, the shabby clothes, the dirtied hair and face. She then caught her reflection in the mirror, she looked much of the same, her hair longer and knotted from days of mistreatment. Morwen knew Mom and Dad raised them better than this. “We have a few cores left.” She stated, “Let's go to the market before it closes, get some of those end of the day deals. New outfits, a brush, some soap. We have to look presentable.” A quick pat to her side confirmed that she still had the pouch. She grabbed Morgen’s hand, heading quickly to the market. It had been a long time since Morwen was this excited. She and her brother beelined it to the stall with the clothing earlier. They still had the dresses up. Colorful ones, printed ones, long and short ones. Morwen bite her lower lip in excitement. “Morgen...Morgen. Should we match? Should we choose similar colors? There’s so many choices.” She said in a hushed whisper, "I like the red flowered one. You could wear red...or...um-" “Pick quickly. We’re closing soon.” The man snapped as he interrupted Morwen's babbling. He was younger then the inn keeper, but his eyes were shrewd. He eyed the two filthy twins. Clearly already agitated with the last minute customers. Morwen nodding quickly. “R-Right.” She looked to her brother expectantly.